Karin Hanczewski

Sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 29: Anna Schneider collapses in broad daylight on the street in front of her café. The Dresden police investigators Karin Gorniak and Leonie Winkler convince their boss Schnabel to start the investigation into this mysterious death, although the forensic doctor Jonathan Himpe wants to rule out poisoning. They found out that Anna Schneider had recently filed a criminal complaint against an unknown stalker. In addition to the psychological distress, the victim has recently suffered severe physical pain. Every touch, no matter how small, made her flinch. Gorniak is alarmed: She too has had pain attacks for a few days that she cannot explain. The public medical officer cannot determine a medical cause. The detective chief inspector did not know Anna Schneider, but feels that she is being followed by an invisible person. Could there be a connection between the two women?

Franz and Lilly run their father's cattle farm together. While Franz is perfectly happy with his life as a cowboy, Lilly dreams of a bigger life. That's when she meets Chris, a musician, with whom she starts a romantic affair.


Dresden Commissioner Karin Gorniak is seriously injured in a dangerous operation. The wanted killer can escape.


Young Berlin schoolteacher Charlie no longer wants to continue as usual on her chosen path and asks herself what she really wants and needs.



Because of trouble at school, 16-year old Isabell's single mum persuades her to take part in a self-knowledge seminar in the Sudeten Mountains. What begins as an unusual holiday adventure in an esoteric group, changes when one of the participants has a mental breakdown and disappears. Has the young woman left or is she the victim of a crime? Isabell is alarmed and begins to investigate the seminar and the other members. Her enquiries are met with a wall of silence. When the mutilated body of the woman who disappeared turns up, Isabell's stay at the wildly romantic resort becomes a nightmare.


Life is not a pony farm - even if it started there. The experience of three unequal sisters in the young comedy : They learn shortly before the silver wedding of their parents that there is a dark chapter in their picture book marriage. On their trip to the family celebration, this provides additional explosives in the already exciting girl's triangle. Gro Swantje Kohlhof, winner of the Günter-Strack-Fernsehpreis, and Claudia Eisinger and Karin Hanczewski play the leading roles in the tragicomic road movie.


Ferdi thinks he's ugly – but likes the fact Jona is interested in him. Maybe because she's blind. What Ferdi doesn't suspect: She's just pretending to be blind to be able to live cheaply in subsidized housing. How long can she maintain her charade? Can love, which is supposed to make you blind, even work out that way? Director Tom Lass takes a closer look, shooting with blind actors and old Berlin buddies, acting the lead himself – paying tribute to a way of life beyond our way of seeing the world.


Portrait of Lotte, a strong, impulsive, young woman in Berlin...


The duo of investigators, Pia Kirchhoff and Oliver von Bodenstein, has to solve a case of a dead girl found on the river Main, while digging deeper into a chasm of viciousness and brutality.

Brothers David and Matthias have contrasting personalities. Long since grown up – one with a wife, the other a girlfriend – they unintentionally meet at their parents' holiday home. Games and plots about power and dominance with unforeseen consequences.


Isabell Suba, ambitious up-and-coming director, has made it – one of her short films is in the line-up of the most important film festival of the world! When she arrives at the 65. Cannes film festival, she has face the accomplished facts: David, her incompetent producer, has kindly sublet their cosy joint apartment to other festival guests. The other bad news: There is not a single movie in the competition directed by a woman! This affirms Isabell’s qualms: The film business demands women to gear up instead of dressing up low cut! Moreover, the chauvinistic remarks of her comrade-in-arms David who feels comfortable around the clichéd gender stereotypes from the Stone Age seemingly prevalent in Cannes infuriate Isabell. As if this wasn’t enough already, a shattering feedback on her new film project by a potential investor finally causes her to doubt herself. Before she can live her dream up at the Olympus of film business, she must first find out who really believes in her.


The celebration of the 50th anniversary of “Capitol-Insurance” is due – that's what the bosses thought. All employees are invited to join the party in a hotel. However, rumors say the company's not doing very well. To avoid unemployment due to the possible shutdown of the smaller branch office the only option is to move to the headquarters. Now that's the ultimate challange for Stromberg, who is notoriously trying to be the example of a department manager, gathering all of his employees behind him.
