Karin Schubert

The story of Joe D'Amato, Italian director of sexploitation and gore, narrated by himself.


An astronaut has been abducted by a group of environmental terrorists. The New Organization of Nations decides to send a lethal commando "The Panther Squad", composed of sexy female mercenaries to get rid of the terrorists led by Barbara Wims and to free the hostage...


Christina Von Belle, a wealthy heiress, is kidnapped by a lesbian terrorist group and held for ransom. She escapes the lesbian terrorists only to fall into the clutches of a gang of gourmet chefs who want a piece of the ransom themselves.


Hanna is a girl completely abandoned to herself, is not at all inhibited sexually, and is attracted to the attention of unscrupulous people like Miguel, who takes advantage of Hanna, turning her to prostitution to obtain her drug fix. Until she meets Alex, a young man with a sincere affection for Hanna.


Spanish actor Jose Antonio Ceinos stars as a down-and-out sculptor, whose inspiration returns with the strange appearance of a beautiful, mysterious black muse.


A story about a singer/showgirl who poses as a nurse to recover some stolen paintings, which for some reason are hidden in a military insane asylum.


An American intelligence agent travels to pre-Islamic Revolution Iran to try to thwart a power-mad European baron from using a stolen cruise missile to destroy an unspecific target in that country.


Famous undercover journalist Emanuelle teams with her friend Cora Norman to uncover a white slave ring.


Three medical students who are reluctant to hit the books and unwilling to work are much more enthusiastic about creating pranks and targeting a thriving confidential, female doctor.


The marriage between Federico and Monica is on the rocks. Federico has a mistress named Eva. There is a conspiracy between Monica's friend Elena and Eva to take over the company Eurozone owned by Federico. The situation becomes complicating when Diego appears, Federico's former associate.


Marco, an Italian engineer comes from Milan to Santo Domingo, Haiti to continue the construction of a dam. The predecessor, Kluger, has disappeared without a trace and he would take his place. When he arrives, his wife Laura is there waiting for him and the two - along with their guide Romero. They go to the small, isolated jungle shack where Kluger was staying before he vanished. The couple is soon involved in mysterious voodoo rituals carried out by the Haitian religious leader, Balaga who is against the work. Meanwhile, the ghost of Kluger warns him about completing the work. Only thanks to the intervention of the police Laura, fascinated by the rites, is saved and brought back to Italy


Sicilian baron, Mimì Galluzzo, will be able to enjoy the legacy of his deceased father-in-law on two conditions: that his wife accepts the will and that there is a compromising document to be delivered to the mafia. While, however, the precious "dossier" is, in reality, in the hands of an avid widow, Donna Maria, willing to sell it only if Mimi marries her. Rosalba, obsessed with the absence of a child, suddenly goes mad or pretends 'go crazy. Recommended by Donna Maria, of whom he became the lover Don Mimì tries, with the help of his friend Langatta, undertaker, and a nurse in the clinic in which Rosalba was hospitalized, to get rid of his wife. Instead, he finds himself without having reached his goal, involved in an obscure series of crimes that will make him lose his mind.


An airport employee switches a pack of drugs for baking soda and absconds to Barcelona, meanwhile the drug-runners are on his trail.


A glamorous playboy thug's brutal trail of murder, terrorism and sexual blackmail across Las Vegas, Rome, Paris and London quickly wins him a prominent place in the Rome syndicate loosely run by an aging and decrepit Mafia Don. He even wins over the Don's much younger wife.


In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.


A look at Shaw Brothers Studios in their prime. Includes: interviews with David Chiang; exploring the Shaw Brothers sets; a look at the craftsmen, foley artists and stuntmen of Shaw Bros.; a profile on Run Run Shaw; Italian-meets-Chinese kung-fu films; and a visit from Peter Cushing.


The Marquise Eugenia di Maqueda, an orphan raised by the nuns, marries Raimondo Corrao, but on their wedding night she finds out that he is her brother. The piece of news is in a letter written from Paris by their father, a womaniser who lives and hides from them in the French headtown. The pair decide, to avoid the scandal, to live as brother and sister. He will later leave for the war in Lybia, she will find solace and sexual satisfaction in the arms of the family chauffeur.


The Countess Clara is in love with Andrea Valverde but agrees to marry the Count Guido when he learns that Andrew is his brother from his mother’s side. Clara partotisce a daughter, Guido leaves ensnared by chanteuse Yvonne and Andrew goes to war in Libya. Yvonne, to seize the goods of Clara makes the poison. Clara is buried but thanks to a kiss of his brother wakes up. Yvonne tried to turn the events in his favor but she is sentenced.


Joe Esposito, an italo-american, and Brad McCoy, a Scottish man, are engaged by Giorgiakis to be his bodyguards, due to their physical stature, and muscular development. Only, on the cover, both men are dealing in drugs... Wang and his gang get interested in a particular big cache of drugs, and therefore Giorgiakis, and his bodyguards, will find themselves under unexpected pressure.


A sadistic killer cult kidnaps and sacrifices beautiful women. A young girl, just paroled from prison, moves into a strange house and appears to be the cult's next victim.


Action packed later period Spaghetti Western film with a cast of cult and mainstream actors. George Eastman [Django shoots first] , Karin Schubert [Black Emanuelle], Giancarlo Prete [Street Law], Eduardo Fajardo ,[Ricco the mean machine] and others, round out the cast of this western version take off of the 3 Musketeers with a twist. With the tag line “ All for one....punches for all”.. you get action packed fight scenes,[Chen Lee] lends his martial arts to this fast paced story, who really has the stolen gold and where is it?.Loyalty to the musketeer code? Don't count on it!!


Britt, deluxe call-girl, is punished by the brothel owner because she was not accomodating enough to a customer. From now on, she must obey to all customers sadistic wishes, or else.


Baron von Sepper is an Austrian aristocrat noted for his blue-toned beard, and his appetite for beautiful wives. His latest spouse, an American beauty named Anne, discovers a vault in his castle that's filled with the frozen bodies of several beautiful women.


The film’s premise had to do with a wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love (Rossano) imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies ... Rossano’s character’s final great act of love was to “expire in the arms of the outrageously beautiful Lady Death”. The film is considered an erotic comedy, the majority of the cast spending a considerable amount of time without the benefit of clothing, in a variety of unusual circumstances. By the way, the “student” is played by Ben Ecklund, Britt’s younger brother, and even Lidia Brazzi was in the cast of this film, so really - how much fun could Rossano have really had, making it?


During the Middle Ages, a clumsy knight returns home where his wife awaits him. Sensuous and beautiful, she has attracted several male admirers during his absence, but her chastity belt has maintained her faithfulness. Now is her chance to wrest the key from him and enjoy herself. The knight’s portly friend has a similar problem with his equally gorgeous wife. And to top it off, both men have designs on the other’s wife — leading them to devise painful methods to discourage the other from trespassing.


Sadiel, rebel leader in a North African state, takes refuge in Switzerland in the aftermath of a coup. Aware of the threat posed by Sadiel, the ruthless Colonel Kassar contacts the French security services to help in capturing the political activist. A police informer, Darien, is forced to lure Sadiel to Paris, allegedly to make a television coverage about the Third World. Arriving in Paris, Sadiel is captured and delivered to his opponents. Disgusted by the way he has been manipulated, Darien tries to turn back the clock, unknowing who’s dealing with.


Against a backdrop of Swingin' 60s London a young playboy type "steals" a beautiful Italian girl from her elderly date and suggests she comes back to his place for some good times. "His place" being owned by his father, a rich and respected solicitor. Unfortunately a couple of criminals have plans of their own, one for money, the other for revenge, and the lovers end up prisoners in a tense siege situation


A group of dodgy businessmen and their girlfriends/mistresses discover a container drifting next to their yacht with 3 escaped prisoners inside,all are brought aboard and procede to terrorise and humiliate their hosts until rather predictably the victims begin to fight back and turn the tables on their crackpot captors.


Don Sallust (Louis de Funès) is minister of the King of Spain. It is a being disingenuous, hypocritical and greedy that collects the taxes himself, he turns in part to his advantage. He is hated by the people he oppresse.Accusé by Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery. Decided to revenge, it comes in contact with his nephew seducing Caesar ...


Arms dealer Yolaf Peterson aims to make a sale to guerilla Mongo, but the money is locked in a bank safe, the combination known only to Professor Xantos, a prisoner of the Americans. Yolaf agrees to free Xantos, accompanied by reluctant guerilla Basco, but a former business partner of Yolaf's- John 'The Wooden Hand', has other ideas.


A young Sicilian priest who moved to Rome comes into contact with the high bourgeoisie and receives a lot of sexual attention.


An American playwright living in Rome consults a quack psychiatrist to combat his fears of balding and save his failing marriage.


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During an air trip, Prince Tancredi, a well-known abstract artist, gets to know air hostess Judy and is charmed by the young woman. When he asks her to pose for him Judy accepts. Following a few negative remarks on her part about his work Tancredi is driven to question himself artistically. Now, Judy has to leave but she promises to see Tancredi again, which they do. Their mutual attraction soon turns into a burning passion.
