Karina Andolenko

Ivan, former detective and now ex-con seeks revenge for the death of his partner and for the injustice that put him in jail many years ago. ‘Seek and you shall find’ — out of nowhere a beautiful woman offers him the archenemy on a silver platter. Ivan is temped, how can he resist? This murder-for-hire puts him in a league of assassins that he’s desperately trying to escape. His conscience screams but his circumstances prevail. On the road to his next target, he suffers from a memory loss after a car accident. Saved by a roadside motel owner, a beautiful woman, former killer-for-hire is living in a state of an ignorant bliss. But the trouble finds him. Torn between Scylla and Charybdis, the protagonist now has to face the most dangerous target while having to save his family and his soul from being completely destroyed.

Aleksey Temnikov is a renowned ballet dancer and an acknowledged genius whose career was abruptly cut short after sustaining an injury in the 1990s. Twenty years later, Aleksey discovers that his condition is degenerative and that he will soon lose the ability to walk. Aleksey sets out to choreograph a ballet he envisaged long before but never staged for fear of failure. “What will I leave behind after I am gone?” is a question Aleksey feels he must contend with. However, returning to the world of ballet will not be easy for a man who has made so many enemies over the course of his life.


The protagonist of the film is a very famous boxer in the past, now he works as an ordinary security guard in a jewelry store and is deeply in love with an employee of this store, whose name is Katerina. But once his beloved woman was undeservedly insulted, and the former boxer, like a true knight and man, intercedes for his beautiful lady and quarrels with very influential people of the city.

WWII mini-series


The heroes of the film "March" - a group of FSB special forces officers - a quick response team. Every day, dozens of especially dangerous criminals take to the streets of our cities. An elite team of special forces soldiers led by the commander of Major Alexander Buida is taken to detect and neutralize the criminal structures. Trained at a high level, they remain committed to their cause, even when their own lives are in danger. And no matter what they face tomorrow - with drug dealers, with hostage-taking or with terrible terrorist attacks planned by fanatics - a special unit is always on the alert!

The story about a difficult post-war time. About destiny of the young lieutenant and the young girl, whose love passes through the hardest vital and moral ordeals.


Kirill Makarov has just graduated from university with a degree in architecture. With his whole life ahead of him and his beautiful fiancée Victoria, daughter of a rich and influential man, by his side, his future seems full of promise. However, Kirill does not want to use his future father-in-law's influence to get a job, and as he sticks to his principles, he begins to understand that his approach to life is very different to his fiancee's. He breaks off their engagement and on that same day meets Lena, a trainee teacher. Cut to ten years later, and Kirill is married to Lena with two children. Sadly he never made a success of his career, and the family survives on Lena's salary alone. Kirill's friend Oleg tries to persuade him to tender for a new architectural project in town, but Kirill realizes that, without the right connections, there is no point in even trying.


Kesha, a young magician assistant, is desperately in love with a young journalist Alisa. He is ready to do everything possible to conquer her.


Marina Kazantseva is a third-year student. A romantic girl who read Dumas and Mayne Reid novels while growing up, Marina is in love with her sport's teacher Konstantin Pavlovich, however, while Konstantin is aware of her feelings, he does not take them seriously. Meanwhile her classmate, Varia blames Marina for her abusive childhood and is planning her revenge. Fifteen years ago, Marina's father, Boris had an affair with Varia's mother, Lyudmila. When Boris's wife, Yekaterina discovered the affair, she returned her husband to the family after creating a very public scandal. Yekaterina then used her position as District Public Education Department Inspector to make sure that her husband's mistress was refused employment from every educational institution in town.


Successful 34-year-old businessman Anton Radimov is already fed up with everything in this life and nothing is interesting. From boredom and lack of love, he finds solace in alcohol (which he drinks all the time). His close friend Andrey decides to save him, and as a result, Anton gets to a meeting of alcoholics anonymous, where he meets a strange man nicknamed "Stalker", who offers Anton a real adventure with feelings that he has never experienced. And after that, Anton is miraculously transported from his 2010 year to the past-to April 27, 1975. There Anton meets his true love and afterwards he doesn't even want to go back to his present time.

She is 17 years old, she is romantic and dreams of a prince on a white horse, completely not guided in the real world. In addition, her name is Elsa ... The story of how some small and seemingly insignificant act can cause a real avalanche of catastrophes and personal misfortunes.

New feature film by Alexander Proshkin