Karl Gustav Ahlefeldt

The family Gyldenkål is actually called Iversen, but have changed their name, after numerous problems with the IRS, loan sharks and employers. Using clever scams, the family builds up a reputation as a wealthy and respectable part of society.


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Hopeless romantic Gertrud inhabits a turn-of-the-century milieu of artists and musicians, where she pursues an idealized notion of love that will always elude her. She abandons her distinguished husband and embraces an affair with a young concert pianist, who falls short of her desire for lasting affection. When an old lover returns to her life, fresh disappointments follow, and Gertrud must try to come to terms with reality.


Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.


Tag til marked i Fjordby is a 1957 Danish comedy film directed by Poul Bang and starring Dirch Passer.


A lost hat brings a powerful director and an aspiring actress together.


Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
