Karolina Porcari

Amelia, an attractive middle-aged woman, has been living in a marriage with a reconstructor of medieval battles for many years. The relationship gradually falls into routine, and does not give the woman sexual fulfillment. What has been dormant all life will begin to wake up when a mysterious package is found at the door of the apartment.

The story of the Jagiellonian Dynasty rulling XV-century Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In the early Middle Ages, two Christian knights set off to christen a small pagan village hidden deep in the mountains. Despite the differences in their views and perspectives on religion, the two men become travel companions and create a father-son relationship. As they settle into the local community, their faith, belief system and the bond between them are all put to the test. Soon, love is confronted with hate, dialogue with violence, madness with rules and many will have to die.


For teenage twins Robert and Elena, a weekend can seem endless yet still fly by. Time almost stands still while discussing philosophy, lying in a blissful cornfield near a remote gas station. They are in their own little world, a twin world of twin games and twin love. A confined world where emotions rise, where pressure mounts into rageā€¦ The turmoil of adolescence.


In 2084, when the male sex is near extinction, four women wait for their menstrual cycles to synchronize. They all want to become mothers and there can only be one donor. When the day comes, Donor finally appears at their doorstep. During a dinner he suffers an accident and seems to be dead.


At the end of the 19th century, somewhere in the outskirts of the Russian Empire, a doctor administers a lethal overdose of ether to a young woman ā€“ the object of his desire. After getting away with his crime, he finds employment in a fortress, where he continues his experiments with ether to manage pain and manipulate human behaviour. Despite his evilness, it is not too late for his soul to be saved from eternal damnationā€¦


Ela lives in a small provincial town in Poland. Her daily life is stuck in a routine, balancing work and family. But Ela has a dream: Like many young Polish people, Ela, too wants to escape the tristesse of the council housing estate and move West, into a better life.


Guido and Antonia are a young couple with opposing characters and working schedules: he works a night job as a doorman in a hotel, and she works as an employee for a rental car service. This is the story of what happens to Guido and Antonia when they decide to have a child.


A Japanese business traveler is completely exhausted at a German airport. There, Mr. Oshima seems already to be expected by a businessman and his translator, from whom he spontaneously abducts himself to the foreign city. In his surreal odyssey through the night, however, he loses himself more and more, until he finally disappears without a trace and nothing remains of him as this story.


Claudia, a single bored Milan travel agent in her thirties, takes evening classes in Russian and tries to get to know her teacher Boris from Kiev. Boris says that he is reluctant to get involved with his student, but asks Claudia to put up his beautiful Ukrainian cousin Olga for a few days while he is away on business. The women get along quite well, but Claudia is distressed when Olga disappears without taking her suitcase, money or passport.


Lucia is an 11-year-old girl, awake and curious about life. A rebel mortified by the bourgeois family environment of Southern Italy where she lives. The father is violent and the mother remains powerless in the face of her husband's anger. After yet another violence, Lucia gives a cry of alarm: on the day of her First Communion, she wears the white dress not to go to church, but on a rock. And throw yourself into the sea.
