Karoline Bär

A road movie about two very different brothers who have not seen each other for 20 years: city manager Christian and cabinetmaker Georg, who never left their hometown and took care of their father until his passing. After their fathers funeral, the brothers decide on a whim, and with some help from the alcohol, to fulfil their old dream: travel trough Germany together on their mopeds.


Year 2032. Ten-year old Luise and her mother Anna live in Germany, a totalitarian state. When a school theatre play, with Luise involved, turns into a brutal propaganda campaign, Anna recognizes the need to protect her daughter. But it might be too late.

"Everything in life happens for a reason." After the death of his pregnant wife, Schimon clings to this sentence. When he meets Milena just two weeks later and falls head over heels in love with her, he thinks he's found the reason.


One night in a lonely hotel room, two strangers fatefully meet - one blind - one suicidal. During the night they spend together, they learn of each others differences and similarities and change as people.

The family of Katharina Krohn is shocked when they learn that she is a member of a Swiss organization that helps people who have decided to leave this life, even though she has no life-threatening disease like many of the other members, but because she has lost the will to face life after the death of her husband.
