Kata Kánya

Herr Steinkoehler is a passionate pedestrian, yet he suddenly finds his family coming into ownership of two Wartburgs. One of them Steinkoehler bought out of pity from a friend who needed the money to pay off his divorced wife, whereas the second one his wife Gisela secretly ordered years ago and has now just arrived. Both of them enroll in a driving school. For Steinkoehler, the lessons, or more precisely the driving instructor named Hempel, are nightmarish. Hempel exercises his powers to their fullest extent with Steinkoehler. In addition, Steinkoehler becomes jealous when his wife Gisela distinctly mixes very well with her own driving instructor. Yet fate would have it that a flighty, young, female driving student mistakes him for a driving instructor. Her devotion both lifts and confuses him with equal measure, but he is nevertheless determined to use this unexpected opportunity for adventure.


The story takes place in an unnamed Latin Country.


Using high-school students, Hungarian director Ferenc Kardos re-created the 1848 revolutionary period in that country's history which was dominated by the poet/soldier Sandor Petofi (1822-1849). Petofi wrote many epic poems which inspired Hungarian nationalism, the most well-known of which is Up Magyar! The students were encouraged to improvise without costumes or scenery, and did so with gusto.


The grotesque comedy with crime elements takes place in a grocery store.
