Kate Fischer

This story is about a freelance agent (Seagal) who is the courier of a package from France to Germany. He soon finds that many people want to get their hands on it.


Al Pacino, Sean Connery and Arnold Schwarzenegger together on film for the first time. Well, almost...Ralph Easton has a few personal problems, he's desperately overweight, a social misfit, and a painful stutterer. Ralph's the kind of guy the nerds stole lunch money from. But Ralph's got a special talent - an ability to impersonate any Hollywood celebrity - the perfect cover to disguise his stutter.


A sleazy producer develops a concept he dubs "blood surfing" -- tossing bloody fish remains into the water to lure sharks and then surfing through the animals as they chomp about. Along with his camerawoman, the producer brings two thrill-seeking surfers to the coast of Florida to capture some gnarly footage. But, as they blood surf, they encounter something even more deadly: a colossal prehistoric crocodile intent on devouring them.


In his world sex is everything (if you don't count surfing, drugs and his mates). She's not so keen on his mates, but... she hasn't tried them all yet.


In 1930s Australia, Anglican clergyman Anthony Campion and his prim wife, Estella, are asked to visit noted painter Norman Lindsay, whose planned contribution to an international art exhibit is considered blasphemous. While Campion and Lindsay debate, Estella finds herself drawn to the three beautiful models sitting for the painter's current work, freethinking Sheela, sensual Pru and virginal Giddy.
