Kate Nic Chonaonaigh

Set in 1990s Belfast, a woman is forced to betray all she believes in for the sake of her son.


Gritty Irish-language drama chronicling the difficult professional and intense personal life of Cathal Mac Iarnáin, a tenacious TV crime reporter who is obsessed with pursuing the story behind the story. But as single-minded as he is about uncovering the truth, he is often too busy chasing stories to notice that the world of crime hits closer to home every day.

Getaway driver Miles Foster is placed in witness protection after the murder of his friend Andres by Astin Brody, a shady underworld boss. Miles is hidden on the Greek Island of Zanthi with a recently graduated female MI6 officer, Charlotte Green. Shalom Godsall, Brody's disgruntled number two, has recommended two Irish assassins take out Miles, much to their surprise as a father and son assassin team they h ave a terrible track record. Godsall, however, is working with American secret service to oust his rival Astin Brody and take the top job. Nothing is going to plan; the assassins have found their target and are getting close. Miles and Charlotte are not getting on at all and the special relationship between the British and American secret service is at breaking point.


Tarrac is an intimate character drama set in the Kerry Gaeltacht. Aoife Ní Bhraoin returns home to help her father, Breandán ‘The Bear’ Ó Braoin, recover from a heart attack. Day to day they get along just fine. As we dig a little deeper we find that there is so much that has been left unsaid about the loss of Aoife’s mother.