Katerina Evro

A Bulgarian drama

The title of the film is taken from the popular Bulgarian song. This is a film about the life of a common Bulgarian worker. The action focuses on his family, his relatives, and his friends.


In this comedy, a mathematician is so bored and burnt-out with his career that he rebels, first by crawling under a table during an interminable faculty meeting and then by throwing his telephone away, locking his wife out of their apartment, and running off on his own. At this point, the comedy takes a turn when the rebellious mathematician follows a strange wheel and meets a goatherd who shelters him in his humble abode. Events change from a bit odd to totally bizarre as the mathematician continues on his journey of escape.


Bulgarian crime movie


A social and psychological study of contemporary problems.


The misfortunes of a couple of guys who form a music group and think they can get rich and famous easy.
