Catherine Erhardy

They were the perfect loving couple, well, almost. Emmanuel wanted a child but Philippe didn't. One day, however, Emmanuel decides to take the plunge, at the risk of losing Philippe. But how do you make a child when you are gay?


Micky leaves his provincial and bourgeois background and leaves to live in Paris, where he performs as a transvestite singer in a cabaret.


Jean-Luc and Catherine are chased by the police. They find refuge in a house in southern France. A parody of the French "Nouvelle Vague" and a tribute to Jean-Luc Godard's work.

La reine de France meurt en couche. Elle met au monde un petite fille prénommée Blanche-neige. Le roi deçu de n'avoir pas un fils est résolu à faire disparaître sa progéniture mais c'est sans compter sur la protection de nombreux personnages de la littérature enfantine : les fées, Tarzan, Robin des Bois ou d'autres encore...
