Katherine Griffith

When Pollyanna is orphaned, she's sent to live with her crotchety Aunt Polly. Pollyanna discovers that many of the people in her aunt's New England hometown are as ill-tempered as her aunt. But Pollyanna's incurable optimism - exemplified by her "glad game", in which she looks for the bright side of every situation - brings a change to the staid old community.


The story has been adapted from the Sir Arthur Wing Pinero play. The title means nothing more than the mid-channel of married life, through a character in the feature likening the roughness of the English channel in the center of the trip across from London to Paris to the woes married folks meet in their wedded life.


Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.


The Archives Du Film Du CNC hold a copy.

A Yankee Princess is a 1919 American silent comedy-drama film produced and distributed by the Vitagraph Company of America. It was directed by David Smith and stars Bessie Love, who also wrote the screenplay. It is a lost film.


A welcome guest of the French aristocracy, Monsieur Picard having been awarded the Croix De Guerre, is also a master thief who baffles the Parisian police. One night, while Picard watches an Apache dance, he learns that one of his three adopted children is seriously ill. When his car breaks down, Picard politely forces Helen Deprenay to loan him her auto, and leaves his cross as security. The next day, the police pursue Picard to the Deprenay home where the prefect warns Helen about Picard. Helen writes to the entreating Picard, and refuses to see him until he proves himself of worth to society. Disguised as Scotland Yard agent Armand DuBois, Picard is present at the Deprenay home when a necklace is stolen. After Helen covers for him, Picard catches the thief in an attempt to swindle the entire community in a stock market scheme. He informs the police that Picard no longer exists, and escapes with Helen to a new life.

Mary Mac Neill (Katherine MacDonald), whose father (Theodore Roberts) marries her off to Lord Raa (Jack Holt) in order to satisfy an old grudge. But Mary wants nothing to do with the dissolute Lord and tells him so on their wedding night. So he takes his mistress, Alma Lier (Fritzi Brunette), to India and passes her off as Lady Raa, while Mary disappears to a French village, where she spends time with the man she loved all along, explorer Martin Conrad (Milton Sills).

When their father is reported missing at the front during World War I, Jane and Katherine are stamped and sent by parcel post across the country to their Aunt Lucille Forrest in New Jersey. The two girls manage to smuggle their dog into the mail bag as well. Aunt Lucille is in love with Lt. Tom Hayes, but she is angry with him after he resigns his commission at the start of the war. She does not know that Tom is in the Secret Service, and she becomes jealous of a female spy whom Tom is trailing. Jane and Katherine's mischievous pranks finally assist in capturing the spy and the secret plans, and getting Aunt Lucille back together with Tom.

A runaway becomes a thief and is sentenced to a reformatory. A complete copy exists at the George Eastman Museum.

Little Sara Crewe is placed in a boarding school by her father when he goes off to war, but he does not understand that the headmistress is a cruel, spiteful woman who makes life miserable for Sara.


Ed Brown plays a old war veteran tired of living in a veterans' home and decides to move in with his wealthy nephew.


Left alone by his wife, Fatty joins a poker game across the hall from his apartment and is left to face the law when the game is raided by police. He is given shelter by a neighbor, Mrs. Kennedy, leading to suspicions that they are romantically involved.


A peasant girl sent to make a claim on her family's ancestral home in England's Wessex is seduced and left with child by its current owner.
