Kathleen Kay

A spirited young woman finds herself destitute and on the streets before joining a traveling carnival, where she meets a vagabond painter.


A family saga in which three of a Bavarian widow's sons go to war for Germany and the fourth goes to America, Germany's eventual opponent.


A dejected Parisian sewer worker feels his prayers have been answered when he falls in love with a street waif.


1927 picture starring Alma Rubens and Walter Pidgeon.

In 1927 Olive Borden starred in Fox drama The Monkey Talks directed by Raoul Walsh. She played a circus performer who meets a man pretending to be a talking monkey.


Three girls from a small town win a trip to Monte Carlo. The trip was sponsored by their local newspaper, which sends along its ace reporter Bancroft as their "chaperone".

A tramp cares for a boy after he's abandoned as a newborn by his mother. Later the mother has a change of heart and aches to be reunited with her son.


A young soldier is discharged from the service and has trouble making a living. However, when he inherits a great deal of money, he finds his troubles only beginning.