Katia Lewkowicz

Nour is a pleasant and funny person who works as an accountant at a fitness center in Paris. Everybody likes her, but she has no luck in her romantic endeavours because she is overweight with atypical looks. Her close friends try to give her advice, but they are not particularly successful in the love department either. Her mother and brother are also close, but they are of no help, rather the contrary. One day she witnesses a pole dancing class at her workplace, something that she would never dream of doing herself, but she sees how much the women in the class and their teacher are enjoying themselves, so she is tempted. Finally the teacher starts giving her private lessons since she is too ashamed of her body to do anything in public. Slowly but surely she gains confidence in herself and many things change in her life.


Louise, Sam, Lili. Three women who don't know each other but whom will be forced to meet, get together, and compare themselves to each other by the wild will of evolution.


Arnaud nicknamed "Cui Cui" no longer knows which way to look. He is about to marry Anna but he is not sure he really loves her. To make matters worse, he falls in love during the stag party he has with his friends. And Léa, a nightclub singer, is obviously the woman of his dreams. What to do? Cancel the wedding and create a scandal but be able to live with a woman he loves truly and loves him in return? Or be a good boy and not disappoint the company but say farewell to happiness. For four days, Arnaud goes to and fro aimlessly between Anna and Léa, between his eccentric sister and his self-centered mother, between hope and depression.


In France, terrorist groups and intelligence agencies battle in a merciless war everyday, in the name of radically opposed ideologies. Yet, terrorist and secret agents lead almost the same lives. Condemned to secrecy, these masters of manipulation follow the same methods. Alex and Al Barad are two of them. The former is the head of the D.G.S.E.'s (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure, the French equivalent of the CIA or the MI6) counter-terrorism unit while the latter reigns over a terrorist network, and both fight using the most ruthless of weapons: human beings.


After spending the night together with her idol, Sinclair, Léa hopes to see him again soon. She still finds it difficult to quite grasp what has happened to her when a trivial accident brutally puts an end to her dream.

Francis, who is in his forties, manages the French subsidiary of an American high-tech company. But the shareholders suddenly decide to close it. Depressed by the idea of being unemployed and the prospect of losing his second wife, Francis decides to consult a fortune-teller. The experience is a real eye-opener for him and the start of a new career: He pretends to be a fortune teller himself and turns into Madame Irma. How to explain that to his wife Clotilde?


Laurent loves Camille but he can’t bring himself to marry her. Then he meets Elodie and discovers what love really is – not the mild cozy affection he has for Camille but a cataclysmic, thunderous all-consuming earthquake of the soul. The only problem is that Elodie is the girlfriend of Laurent’s best friend, François...


Life is easy for 43-year-old Luis, a happy single guy, fulfilled in his job of star nose with a perfume creation company, cosseted by his mother and five sisters. It could have lasted for a whole life, but fed up with mollycoddling and helping him, his mother and sisters decide it's time he got married, and the sooner the better!


Yann Kerbec is a flight instructor: he evaluates pilots’ abilities under extreme conditions on flight simulators. But Yann has a big problem: he is so airsick since he was born in a plane, that he couldn’t even follow the love of his life when she moved to Australia. Yann is now thirty years old and remembers with both nostalgia and humour the numerous love stories he spoiled because of his phobia. Will he finally accept to become a grown up or will he keep making plans in the air?


Starting in 1944 in the wake of the Liberation and continuing into the '60s, 'houses of hope' were established to lend a semblance of continuity to youngsters orpahaned by the war. Nina's Home takes place between September 1944 and January 1946 in an orphanage housed in a chateau outside Paris. At the outset, the country residence is run by Nina who has a core population of French Jewish children whose parents are probably dead. Food is scarce. News of the Concentration Camps hasn't hit yet, but some months later, a contingent of youths arrive form the liberated camps. The children are a disparate, wild, damaged group and conflicts ensue. Nina's challenge is to help them make their first delicate moves toward the future and in the process restore all of them, including herself, to life.


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