Katie Kelly

An 18-year-old begins dating a charming 50-year-old man who treats her to shopping sprees and fancy restaurants, creating a huge rift with her mother. Mom’s instincts prove right when the man becomes psychologically manipulative, turning the girl into an emotional prisoner in his mansion.

Grace Gaustad presents the short documentary film 'BLKBX: wht r u hding?' — a powerful musical anthology.

Kristen suspects her new family isn't what they seem after her mother-in-law moves in unexpectedly.


Kristen and Hannah are best friends­–smart, likable and college-bound– and also addicted to heroin. The pair of seemingly unlikely addicts spiral down a path of destruction, hiding their secret from well-meaning but busy parents behind pink bedrooms and school uniforms, propelling their tight-knit community from disbelief to disaster to, ultimately, hope.