Katsutoshi Atarashi

A Japanese film that tells the tale of the birth of VHS. It follows Kagatani Shizuo, an electronics employee who rallies his coworkers to save their jobs by increasing sales. They do this by developing the VHS standard. They battle with Sony and their standard and ultimately prevail.


The film opens with kidnappers of a corporate executive making an unusual ransom demand: that a wizened executive from another company haul large bags of money through downtown Tokyo as the media documents his every move. When the first old man almost dies from exhaustion, a second, and eventually a third elderly corporate fat cat is ordered to do the same. The police detective assigned to the case (Tetsuya Watari) and his younger partner (Masatoshi Nagase) are livid with indignation at this sorry spectacle. They learn that these four men were involved in a massive industrial spill that poisoned an entire rural hamlet 20 years previous. Suddenly, the detective -- who studied in the States and apparently absorbed some John Wayne-like mannerisms in the process -- isn't sure who are the victims and who are the villains.


Based on the "2.26 Incident", an attempted coup d'état in Japan 1936, launched by radical ultra-nationalist parts of the military. Several leading politicians were killed and the center of Tokyo was briefly held by the insurgents before the coup was suppressed.


Depicts the bloody siege of Port Arthur, one of the most strongly fortified positions in the world, during the Russo-Japanese War.


Earth is attacked by alien spacecraft from Venus. But a Japanese scientist has constructed a space craft, the Gohten, with which he may save humanity.


Dramatic story of one man trying to make a difference.


The drama depicts in the late Edo period in Nagasaki, Hiramatsu takes up Nagasaki bugyō`s head post. He likes alcohol and women. Furthermore He is always willing to accept a bribe from villains so they consider it is easy to manipulate him. But he is just pretending to be idiot and he kills villains who escape justice despite their crimes.

Based on a novel by Ayako Miura.


A man who survived the war carries the will of his comrades in arms, walking across the country visiting the bereaved families.

Adaptation of the Shôji Yuki novel.

Yuji, a budding writer, meets and starts falling in love with his best friend’s girlfriend, Natsuko. The attraction is mutual but due to the circumstances, they try to not act on their attraction. However, as time goes by, they realise that, perhaps, they cannot be without each other. Will the forbidden love affair move forward and can they finally be with each other?


Horror story about a girl who is shadowed by an invisible man.


Based on the life of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (February 2, 1537 – September 18, 1598) a Sengoku period daimyo who unified Japan.

A story about four best friends and their lives inside and outside college. Then suddenly one of them receives a surprising offer to be a movie star.
