Kayoko Sugi

Pinku from 1982, distributed by Nikkatsu.

University lecturer Yoshimatsu lusts after Mikiko. He attempts to get closer to her by seducing Mikiko's mother.


Pinku from 1982, distributed by Nikkatsu.

A pinku film depicting a love triangle among a woman and two yakuza gangsters. These two friends share a life of crime, so they end up sharing the woman, as well. The three of them come up with a plan - she will have sex with married men and they will take photos for blackmail. However, when they cross paths with the gangster who dominates the town, things will get really bad for the trio!


Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu.

Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu

Pink from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu

Pink film by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu

Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu

Pinku from 1981.


Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu.

Pinku from 1980, distributed by Nikkatsu

Pinku from 1980, distributed by Nikkatsu.

When the '70s ended the anger of young people rose, differences in social values ​​occurred between adults and young people, and the word "generation" began to be widespread among the young people.,The film depicts a group of young men and women who are forced to flee their homes after committing a murder. The screenplay is written by Wataru Hino (a pseudonym of Atsushi Yamatoya), wherein he asks whether these young people are sick or sensible.

Pinku from 1980, distributed by Nikkatsu.

Pinku from 1980, dsitributed by Nikkatsu

Pinku from 1980.

16 year-old girl named Aya is infatuated with the proletarian politics of working-class rebel, Miyata. Her sister Sono believes the boy is not a good influence and she allows her ‘Master’ (a powerful Judge with whom she is a mistress) to arranged for the authorities to kill Miyata. After the boy’s death, Aya tries to take revenge against the Master but gets arrested for attempted murder. Due to the Master’s influence, Aya is sentenced to house arrest… at the Master’s home (!). She is soon raped and introduced to bondage and extreme sexual abuse.

WIP-themed pinku from 1979.

A chubby, bicycle-riding rapist/killer dispatches 13 people in a cold, bloody, detached rampage.


Meiji period: Two peasants try to help a woman who is abused by police.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

A disturbing and perverse love triangle.

Early pink film by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu, produced by Wakamatsu Production.

Takashi Shirakawa, the president of Tozai Corporation, is an adopted son-in-law. His wife, Reiko, is sickly and their married life is indifferent. His secretary, Mitsuko Mizukami, who has been having a physical relationship with the president, is an adulterous woman who plans to seduce the president into letting her wife commit suicide so that he can get his wife Meigi's fortune.