Kazimierz Kaczor

A little known episode from the life of Stalinist security police office Julia Brystiger. Her nickname Bloody Luna was a reference to her incredibly brutal methods of interrogation. In the early 1960s, she appears in a centre for the blind on the outskirts of Warsaw, a place often visited by Cardinal Wyszyński, whose imprisonment in 1953-1956 Brystiger supervised personally. During a difficult and heated discussion with the cardinal, Brystiger denounces the communist ideology and begs for forgiveness for her crimes and for guidance in her search for God.


Four woman, each with their own theory about love. Iga is married and lives in a happy relationship but deeply fantasies about extreme experiences. In her search she uncovers various shades of loves, like the modern femme fatale (Joanna) and a woman (Agata) who is being cheated on. An attractive 30 year old (Roma) is searching for a man who will turn her life upside and desperate for this life changing moment. Set in modern Warsaw, where one night can change anybodies life.


The film is set in the Tricity in 2003, ten years after the end of communism in Poland. The plot, apparently based on the real-life experiences of Kraków businessmen Lech Jerzorny and Paweł Rey, is about three young, talented businessmen who open a high-tech factory. This comes to the attention of the local state ‘mafia’, the local Prosecutor, played by Janusz Gajos, and tax office boss, played by Kasimierz Kaczor, who are both jealous and would like to make money for themselves. We are in Poland, so success must be punished.


Story of life of Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the priest called "The Solidarity Chaplain", murdered by communist secret police.


Coming soon


Lavish romantic melodrama, obsessively concerned with sex. Maryska's husband is off to war. He soon is reported missing, and she does not protest much when is seduced by the husband's friend, a seedy professor with sickly wife and other mistresses on the side. However, the love of Maryska's life turns out to be a shy 17-year old, son of friends with whom she goes to stay.


Zmiennicy is a Polish sitcom completed in 1986 and aired in 1987. Many famous Polish actors appear in Zmiennicy.

In the 50's a tailor drinking with his friends has an attack that requires an emegency treatment in the hospital. He has damaged kidneys. Given a second lease on life the tailor thinks that while in a coma he has communicated with the distant stars. He gives up tailoring and turns to the stars. He engages his friends in a village to build an observatory. He becomes recognized and for a time being even the authorities back him up. But then comes bitter awakening: his wife can't take his obsessions anymore and leaves him. The town council calls upon him to close his work as the first Sputnik goes into space. Then he is invited to an astronomical convention, He becomes the sensation of the conference, not however, as a amateur astronomer, but by guessing the clothing measurements of the delegates. Back home he realizes that his dream may be over, but he cannot help gazing at the sky. Written by Polish Cinema Database


A distinguished engineer is informed of being forcibly transferred from his current workplace to another construction site.

A sensitive idealist, a noble and righteous man, he dreams of a true, great love. Despite turning 40, he is still looking for 'the one'. Before fate unexpectedly turns out to be favorable, he experiences various emotional adversities. Reflective story of the unchanging human longing for goodness and honesty.


The four sequences in the film cover four days in a life of young Warsaw lad in September 1938, 1939, 1943 and 1944. In the first sequence Jurek decides not to study in the Sorbonne but enlists in a Polish military school instead. In the second sequence the war starts and Warsaw is occupied. In the third sequence he works in the underground resistance. The final sequence takes place during the Warsaw uprising.


Man of Marble is a Polish film about a student making a film about a bricklayer who was once idolized. She interviews people who knew him and finds old footage that lead to an unfolding mystery that causes her producer to cancel the project.


The Polish film based on the book of the same name by Wladyslaw Reymont. Taking place in the nineteenth century town of Łódź, Poland, three friends want to make a lot of money by building and investing in a textile factory. An exceptional portrait of rapid industrial expansion shown through the eyes of one Polish town.
