Kazuhiko Nishimatsu

Hiyoko wants to become an artist like her mother, but her father would prefer that she took a different career path. Enraged when she notices that he took all paintings done by her mother from the house, she decides to run away. Unable to find a place to sleep among her acquaintances, she ends up at Asylum Stadium, an abandoned field that is shelter for many homeless, but that is about to be torn down by the government. There she meets Akira, a strange individual capable of flying. [from AnimeNewsNetwork]


When she was a child, Nicoletta was taken in by her grandmother so that her mother could remarry. Now grown up, she leaves everything in the countryside behind to visit her mother and her mother's second husband, a ristorante owner. To her surprise, her stepfather did not know his wife had a daughter! Delicious food and dreamy gentlemen await at the ristorante, casetta dell'orso. For everyone who works there, a tender connection to the hearts of each visitor is spun, and the curtain raises on a story about these first-rate Italian gentlemen in spectacles.


Natsume Takashi has the ability to see spirits, which he has long kept secret. However, once he inherits a strange book that belonged to his deceased grandmother, Reiko, he discovers the reason why spirits surround him.


Yui is an average schoolgirl who lives in a future where all computers are supported by a single global network known as COMNET. Yui is a computer-illiterate girl who after a computer-lab accident is approached by IR, a raccoon looking corrector computer program, which tells her she must save COMNET. She must stop the rogue A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) computer program known as Grosser and his hench-programs from taking over the world. Grosser was originally designed to be that manager of all of COMNET. At first she's very reluctant to play the heroine because of her complete lack of knowledge and ability with computers. To save COMNET she must find and gain the trust of the other seven wayward corrector programs. They must also find the creator or COMNET Professor Inukai, to help stop Grosser for good.


They are neither animals nor humans. They cannot be distinctly categorised as boys or girls. They are also not considered to be Earthlings or space creatures. There are no such specific titles in the world of Coji-Coji. Instead, it boils down to the meaning of "existence", an emphasis on the root of a character. This world hinges on all things natural, the pure existence of life. The protagonist, Coji-Coji, represents a perfect existence where truths of life are constantly being delivered and no words of malice can be spoken.

An adaptaion by V-Jump Festa of a one shot manga by Akira Toriyama.