Kei Yamamura

The story is set at the blood donation club in Kurusu Private High School. There are four girls who are fascinated by the pleasure of having their blood drawn - Maki (Erika Karata), Jinko (Ichika Osaki), Nami (Mikoto Hibi), and Kaoru (Nazuki Amano). One day, Maki meets Mai (Nina Makino), a beautiful girl dressed in black, in the blood donation room. Mai fainted after her rampage against the nurses, and Maki unintentionally carries her into the blood donation club room. Mai then reveals a shocking fact - She is a dropout vampire who could not attack humans! Struck by Mai's fragile expression, Maki and other members decide to feed her with their own blood instead of donating blood....

A vampire girl goes to school for the first time and makes friends with humans.

Ai (Nana Seino) is a student at an all-girls' art high school. She is known to be extremely gifted in the arts, but the adults around her try to use her and her classmates are jealous of her. Ai suffers because of her situation, but doesn't have anywhere to escape. Her daily life becomes like a war and she begins to collapse.


Six long months have passed. The Raalgon Empire has developed a horrible new type of weapon, and Tylor has been charged with the duty of intercepting it as it is being transported. But when all that could go wrong does go wrong, the crew members of the Soyokaze find themselves at the mercy of their enemies. As the hours tick down toward their execution, the crew wonders: has their irresponsible captain misled them? Or is this all a part of some greater strategy?