Kelly Eastwood

An unspeakable nightmare begins when a group of travelers are lost in the remote hills of the Scottish Highlands, with no hope of rescue. Seeking refuge in a creepy lodge for a night puts all of their lives in danger. The horror surges as they find themselves relentlessly pursued by a force of evil beyond their imagination!


A successful human trafficker and dedicated family man is dying, but that's the least of his problems.


In the basement of a Ministry of Defence building, two forgotten old men of the Department of Monsters and Over-sized Animals are standing by to protect Britain.


When thirty-something David isn't working as a photographer at a high-street photo studio he is stressing over his love-life. Torn between his rather-too-agreeable girlfriend Lisa and the exciting but tricky Nina, he has serious decision to make. When he gets it all wrong and loses them both he has to start all over again.
