Kelly Kubik

It's a tough gig working for the Water Department, and it's also a tough gig working in Power. Dan Harmon and Ryan Ridley show you why.

The Pop reinvents Popeye, and it does it with great casting and unique stylization. From Abed Gheith and Sevan Najarian.

The existence of Channel 101 led to a show on VH-1 called Acceptable.TV. Director/Actor Drew Hancock wrote a mini-show for Acceptable.TV about the dangers of swords, but VH-1 hated it so it was never produced. Now, in the post-ATV era, Hancock has brought the show to the Channel 101 audience to great success. Sit back and enjoy as Trip Fisk warns you of the dangers of owning swords, and always remember: Don't Fucking Touch Swords.

After the success of Your Magic Touched Me and Your Magic Touched Me: Nights, there were a lot of people figuring that Ryan Nagata needed the lovable Shizuki Thornburg to crack prime time again. But those people are morons... and wrong. In The Forgotten Classics, host Jeff Davis takes us back in time through the hidden cinematic gems you've never seen.

After an open mic night, JB and KG get a message from Michael Keaton who tells them that the time-space continuum has been disrupted at the Ford's Theater in 1850 and only Tenacious D can fix it.


Since the 2005 cancellations of Laserfart and MESI Dan Harmon has lingered in the background of Channel 101, sneaking into various hit shows while working on "real" television for VH-1. Before 2006 was complete, Harmon delivered this poignant gem to October audiences and strolled back into prime time. Exposure tells the story of Dylan Carter, a struggling creative drawn to the power of Channel 101, who must overcome his own limitations and cope with rejection. On the show's similarities to Channel 101: The Musical, Harmon writes: "It's Last Temptation of Christ to Makiaris' Jesus Christ: Superstar."

Pretty President was the result of an unlikely collaboration between Shitcock co-creator Wade Randolph and House of Cosbys animator/editor Sevan Najarian. Smart, funny and fast, its who-gives-a-shit story may have been its greatest strength and weakness. Like about half of all prime time shows, Pretty President was impeached on its second episode.