Ken Sudô

The corpse of a man is found in the Dobu River in Tokyo, the victim was a man named Genzaburo Sakai, who was engaged in debt collection. The shoe shiner Kinoshita, who was in debt to Sakai, was soon apprehended. During interrogation, Kinoshita said that he was the one who killed Sakai. However, after a while, he admitted that he lied, because he thought that in prison he could eat plenty of rice for free. The investigation established that Sakai was a repatriate from Manchuria, and after returning to Japan, he had a wife, Rie Kawai. The investigation begins the search for Rie... The 23nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.

Two people disappeared, engineers of the company Yamato Matsui and Koyama. The two worked overtime, and it is proven that they consumed alcohol together. According to the sushi restaurant employee who delivered the order around 9 p.m., the two were arguing loudly. Traces of blood were found at the scene, and it looks like a murder occurred. The Investigative Department begins an investigation… The 24nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.

A burnt corpse of a man was found in Okutama. As a result of the investigation, it turns out that the criminal strangled the victim with a bandage, smashed his face with an oil canister and burned the body, trying to hide the identity of the victim. But the investigation establishes that the victim is a former criminal named Hisashi Sayama. According to the daughter-in-law of the Sayama, a man named Kitamura got him a job, so he left home with a copy of the family register. Trying to find the killer, the First Investigation Department is investigating all over the country, including Akita, Yokkaichi and Okinawa.

This time, the investigation division is investigating the case of a man who confessed to killing a woman in a labyrinth 2 years ago, adhering to the constitutional provision that "confessing a suspect is not a crime." The 20nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.

A 16-year-old high school student Midori Matsumoto was found dead on the banks of the Tama River. The only clue is shoe marks on rubber soles. From the interview of witnesses, it became clear that Midori was walking with a guy last night. In addition, it turned out that Midori was close to a college student Kimoto, and a high school student Miyazaki. According to his friends, Miyazaki had an alibi, but Kimoto did not. A unique work in which the problems of teenage sex are considered from the point of view of the murder of a girl. The 21nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.

In the former landfill, where construction is currently underway, the corpse of a middle-aged man with an unusual rosary in his hand was dug up. An autopsy showed that the victim was about 40 years old, 170 cm tall, had bad teeth, and had been strangled about a month ago. The police department begins an investigation, Detectives Hayashi and Kitagawa set out to investigate the origin of the rosary, and Detectives Nagata and Watanabe begin interviewing construction workers. In the end, it turns out that the rosary belongs to some new religion... The 19th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari".

The investigation team of the police department is chasing a vicious criminal who kidnaps children, the key to catching the villain this time is the phone. The 18th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari".

Detectives of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department are investigating the murder of a 15-year-old girl, whose strangled corpse was found in the bay of the Tama River. As usual, the film runs only one hour and doesn’t depart too far from the usual formula; however, it greatly benefits from frequent outdoor locations that were missing from the previous film. It also touches far more serious topics, such as child abuse and mental insanity. 16th work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.

Man with the Funky Hat, early Sonny Chiba and Kinji Fukasaku collaboration.


The murder took place at a hotel in Matsushima. The victim is a woman about 28 years old. The suspect is a young man who visited her the night before, and the evidence, in addition to shoe horns and handkerchiefs, is soap with the name of the tavern. When detectives at Shiogama Station followed the man's tracks, it turned out that he had come from Ueno. The 17th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari". In addition to the already familiar 7 detectives, 5 local detectives will also appear on the murder case that occurred at the tourist resort of Matsushima, a total of 12 detectives together.

Hayata and his best friend Ushijima came to Tokyo to become champions. Hayata repeatedly sought to join Tamura's boxing club, but Tamura fell in love with Ushijima's punch. Then Hayata decides to become Ushijima's manager and make good money on his friend's talent. Ushijima himself is a peaceful, kind guy who doesn't really like boxing, but under the wise guidance of Hayata, he starts to defeat one opponent after another...