Kenny Marino

Haunted by childhood memories of his father's murder, Frank Carroll, a private detective/circus clown, sets out on a mission of vengeance. Jingles Carroll, a gentleman in a red nose, was gunned down in cold blood by Max & Fudge, two members of a secret society, as his young son watched in horror. Now, twenty years later, Frank strikes back.


Architect/vigilante Paul Kersey arrives back in New York City and is forcibly recruited by a crooked police chief to fight street crime caused by a large gang terrorizing the neighborhoods.


The flamethrower-wielding vigilante John Eastland returns to rid New York of a drug lord and his gang.


New York City detective Daniel Ciello agrees to help the United States Department of Justice help eliminate corruption in the police department, as long as he will not have to turn in any close friends. In doing so, Ciello uncovers a conspiracy within the force to smuggle drugs to street informants
