Kenny Yen

The year is 2019. A 27-year-old woman named Huang Yu Xuan pines for the love of her life, her long-time boyfriend Wang Quan Sheng, constantly checking his social media pages and desperately hoping he will call her, asking to get back together.


Cheng En, the eldest in his family, is born to be unlucky. When his brother accidentally makes his colleague pregnant, he meets their wedding planner, who apparently is also unlucky.

"Paradoxical" is an independent science fiction film from the makers of international documentaries "Design & Thinking," "Maker" and "Hanzi."


Ru Wei and You Yan have a simple relationship. But in every simple relationship, there are many difficulties. They are not rich, but they try very hard to enjoy life. They are very serious about their relationship and try their best to achieve something in life - hoping one day they can become who they want to become. One day, Ru Wei has a 'lucky chance' in life. Her company wants to send her to Shanghai, with a promotion and higher pay. These two who are deeply in love cannot bear to have a long-distance relationship. With all the uncertainties in their future, can they still stand by each other?
