Kensuke Tamai

Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's novel, "La Ronde", many people are having sex in a variety of ways. A girl and her boyfriend go to a pool bar where she is served a free cocktail drink courtesy of a man who wants to date her. Another guy challenges her boyfriend to a game with the girlfriend being the prize. Three men are fighting over the young woman and a winner takes the girl. It ends up as four guys and the woman in a hotel room.

A man is kidnapped by his ex-girlfriend on his wedding day and sexually tortured. When his wife finally runs into him after 3 months - the man finds that even though he still loves his wife - he can no longer perform sexually for her as he's been "broken" and turned into his ex-girlfriend's sex-slave. Meanwhile - his fiancé has started an affair with his brother which complicates things further. The man's ex-girlfriend decides to invite the fiancé, her new boyfriend, and that guy's ex-girlfriend over for a "chat" - of course this turns into an orgy of sexual sadism as you would expect from this sort of thing...


Kamura Mariko is in relationship with Yukio. But one day he leave her all alone, She suffer so much. that she decide to get her gory revenge.


Muraki is a failure in his job as a salesman and has to deal with his wife's disappointment and criticism at home. One day, after sleeping in a park, he happens upon two women who look like they've been victims of a sexual assault. He helps them but as night comes an increasingly twisted mindgame unfolds between the involved parties and it is no longer certain who's the victim and who's the perpetrator.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nakata, an author, resides utilizing the painful memory regarding the death of his partner, whoever life had been cut short a few many years earlier. Ended up being it a crash or ended up being it suicide? Doubt persists. In order to escape his guilty Nakata, conscience gives up on marriage and fatherhood. Hence freed, he embarks on an obsessive intimate records and jeorney his activities in a book, "The Dark Room". A philisophical essay on sexuality, reproduction and the fate of mankind.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

An office lady follows his boss, whose work affairs had been discovered inside the company and he has been ordered to be transferred to another workplace.

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Roman Porno from 1980.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Nikkatsu Roman Porno film about a brothel headhunter named Miura who brings young runaway Choma to a bathhouse/brothel and begins her prostitution career. Miura also falls in love with Choma, which causes problems when she falls for a dangerous yakuza gangster.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

When an American is murdered in a Japanese inn, Tokyo police detective Munesue follows the trail of the killer to New York. There he is joined by a New York City detective named Shuftan and together they sort out the crime.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It is time for college students to go on a drinking spree under the cherry tree - It's "Hanami" time! Two freshmen and a sophomore are ordered to stake out a spot for the entire pep squad. Plans are initiated from the night before; three of them have to pull an all-nighter. Once the night falls, the sky turns pitch black. Rival pep squad of the Roka College emerge from the darkness and an all-out turf war begins.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

When a group of young women is thrown into juvenile hall, they will soon realize how bad their lives are about to become.


Nikkatsu rape and revenge flick. This film is about a high school student played by Terumi Azuma who is captured and sexually tortured.


Yukichi Asano and Kiriko, his wife, love each other very deeply and are completely happy in their cozy, little flat. Then Yukichi discovers that Kiriko had once worked in a blue film, a thing unthinkable to a man like Yukichi and his love turns into burning hate and jealousy. He burns the film and tries to forgive his wife's unfortunate past but Kiriko suffers a thousand deaths for she had actually worked in four more blue films.

The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.


Writer and ladies-man Yonosuke, who gives inept English lessons (using Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet), is ushered into a lonely woman's house one rainy night. Her husband is at the front in the war with Russia and, as our hero will soon discover, she's wearing a chastitity belt...

Sold into prostitution by her "uncle", a young girl is so innocent and naive that she doesn't know what she has to do.


Osono and Eisuke would like to get married but with her up to her neck in debt due to her late father's illness and him trying to raise the funds to start a business, they can't afford to do so. Osono agrees to work as a geisha and eventually is tricked into becoming a businessman's mistress, all because she wants to help her lover. The businessman, in turn, is actually only interested in training her so he can hand her over to a palace official in exchange for a trade agreement...


Roman Porno from 1972.

Roman Porno from 1972.

Former students of the notorious Harenchi Gakuen college open a new school for dissident youths after their former school is ruined by disputes.

An expedition in the South Pacific lands on a tropical island where the natives worship the mysterious deity Gappa. An earthquake opens up an underground cavern and a baby reptile is discovered inside. The natives warn the foreigners to leave the hatching alone, but they don't listen and take it back to a zoo in Japan. Soon after, moma and papa Gappa start smashing Tokyo looking for their kidnapped child.


Arikawa runs a transport company. But this is only a front for his gambling house. Yuriko is a regular on the scene, and she is fascinated by the dice and the one who throws them. A year before, Yuriko's father died in mysterious circumstances; she decides to go in search of the truth.


A sequel to Detective Bureau 2-3: Go To Hell Bastards!

When a middle aged salaryman is unknowingly used by drug traffickers he is dishonored and fires back at the Yakuza bosses, with destructive consequences.
