Kent Bateman

Thomas, Kyle and Marint had it all:loving wives, children and careers on the rise. But when tragedy strikes and their worlds crumble, it proves to be more than they can bare, and they find themselves caught in a forsaken ghost land somewhere between heaven and hell. In this anguished world, nothing is what it seems, and these nomads must face their demons head on in order to recover a once fallen destiny.


Two friends take their dying buddy on one last road trip.


A 19th-century New Englander becomes a mountain man friendly with an Indian and a bear.


Zak O'Brien is an animal trainer for the popular television series "Caesar and Romulus", which has been selected for a "Patsy" Award to be presented in Burbank, Californa. Zak, Caesar and Romulus board his Cherokee Arrow in Denver for the flight there, but en route at night over the Utah wastelands they encounter a sudden blizzard. Zak's radio fails, and then engine trouble ensues and he guides the craft down to a crash landing. All survive, but the plane is destroyed and now a struggle for survival begins.


A poor artist gets his eye gouged out whilst committing a robbery. When his eye heals, he goes on a killing spree and cuts out women's eyes with a spoon in this surreal arthouse/exploitation film form 1971.


A young woman looking for love in the big city instead finds herself being used for sex, posing for a nudie photographer and seeing a shrink.
