Khalil Morsi

Set in a remote traditional village, a drama about Khalaf Allah (Nour El-Sherif), a dignified man beloved by the people because of his ability to predict strange events happening in the village. It also deals with the revolutions occurring across the Arab countries.

A research fanatic concocts an elixir that gives regular people supernatural abilities. Though he tries to use his potion to help people, the government hinders him. But as the country faces a major disaster, the government enlists his help to mitigate the effects of the disaster.

Adam Yassin is a journalist and a translator who has an interest in the paranormal. As he pursues freak accidents and strange occurrences, even those that happened long ago, his investigations occasionally bring him into conflict with the police.

The series revolves around a wealthy and powerful man named Mohammed Abu Diab (Nour Al-Sharif). Despite being loved by his townspeople who live under his command, he is betrayed by the people closest to him.


The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.

Mustafa Al-Helaly is a university professor and head of the 'Virtue Party', who decides to run for parliament, but his life turns upside down after the retired dancer Sou'ad claims that he's the father of her reckless young daughter Nancy as a result of a one-night stand that happened 20 years ago.

Salsabil Al-Mudaris comes to Cairo to work as a history teacher in one of the schools, and Sundus also comes to Cairo in order to complete the master’s degree, and to work as a school in the neighborhoods, and both of them meet there and there are many positions between them.

The play revolves around a group of travelers to Sharm el-Sheikh inside a bus, wandering the road and becoming alone in the vast Sinai desert. The play reviews the negative aspects of each character, which appear in these difficult circumstances. When they are about to die, they begin to atone for their mistakes.

Sayed Abdel Hafiz, famously known as Sayed Opera, is a lawyer famous for the schemes that he uses to defend criminals and drug traffickers. Aida is a skilled doctor who lives in a simple house after her father lost his wealth because of one of Sayed's tricks, until the paths of Opera and Aida cross.

A story about the story of the poor man (Hassan) who learns about the beautiful girl (toy) by coming to his house, imagining that she is her uncle's house, and was surprised at his presence in the house where he rented it. A love story and get married, but lucky enough to be discovered by a film producer and become a famous star, so everything changes.

In the world of intelligence and international terrorism, Samiha performs a dangerous espionage operation in Switzerland under supervision of the Egyptian Intelligence, but in the same time she is a double agent, working simultaneously with the Mossad.


A theater director decides to re-introduce Carmen with a new treatment, looking for an ideal actress to perform the main character, and the relationship between them soon develops for more than work.

King Farouk finds himself enraged to carry out the British orders to appoint Mustafa El-Nahas as head of the ministry. During his journey to Qassas, he gets injured in a collision. He learns about the doctor Yusuf Rashad and his wife Noha. He admires women and follows her to work in the palace as a writer. , Especially after the husband is commissioned to form the Iron Guard, through which is discovered both the officer Istahter Mustafa Kemal and officer Anwar Sadat. Noha is separated from her husband and expelled by the king. She becomes a mistress for Mustafa Kemal. Calling for standing against the king, and working to form a secret cell with the Free Officers who help them to save the revolution from the dangers.


Ihsan is a simple employee in the Ministry of Culture from the house to the office and vice versa his work colleague Nargis loves and plans to marry him. He is surprised by one of the security authorities arrested and directed a number of charges, which does not know the cause and continues to haunt him

Aldahria village one of the villages scattered in Egypt and inhabited by a group of ordinary people, up to the head of the village council (Mahmoud Abdul Aziz) rumor says that the train, at least the President and visiting U.S. President + B271 will depend upon the village. Changed if the entire village and they all begin to prepare for this event in anticipation of decorating the village and improve their appearance. Decides to the village doctor (Ahmad salary) that aid went to pregnant women only Feinst village men to make their wives pregnant, including President of the Council and his wife, Rabab (Hayatem) does not oppose this situation only a small percentage of people led by Hassan (Hassan El Asmar) Falah simple and his wife coincidence (Jehan Nasr) and is placed in the booking District does not raise problems during the procession. Be a surprise that the presidential train passes without that Atagaf in the village starting with everyone very disappointed


The story deals with the journey of Zinham, a young man who fled Egypt from Upper Egypt in search of a living, climbs up in organized crime and drug smuggling. His friend, Ibrahim, takes part in the crime journey. When he becomes one of the biggest drug smugglers (heroin) Who is in control of her market in Egypt in alliance with an Israeli smuggler, marries a dancer after he gets rid of Slim, the drug dealer who worked for him at the beginning of his career. He turns to liquidate everyone who stands in his way. He becomes drug addict and kills his close friend. (Ibrahim), after doubting the betrayal of his wife dancing with him.


Mr. Abo El-Ela El-Beshry carries a lot of good values for a life that is close to the utopian city. When he retires, he decides to live his life helping his relatives after he adopts the daughter of a friend from work and goes to Cairo.