Kianush Gerami

The story of a girl from a wealthy family who enters medical school, but unpredictable challenges change her life.

Zary comes to Tehran to help her family. However, premarital conditions have made stories for them.

The story of a professional photographer Hamed Aban and the radical change in his life. The teacher of his son gives him a book about nature and the cleaning of it. This changes him radically. He goes and hires himself in the municipality, wearing the orange suit like them and cleaning the streets, collecting garbage. Meanwhile his wife who is in Europe back home and is very angry with him. She insists on him to get back to his former work but he refusing. Then she wants a divorce and to take the son with herself to Europe.


Though he comes from a poor area south of Tehran, Sia has always loved Italy. Dubbed 'Sia Sicily' by his friends, he makes a meagre living as a petty crook and conman, but dreams of one day living up to the wealth and status of his favoured nation. His chance comes when one day he is offered to help his friend Sohrab with a 'big job', one which could set him up for life. Rohollah Hoseini directs this tale of two lowborn men who seize the opportunity to better themselves, and a strong central relationship helps elevate this crime drama above other such genre mainstays.

Between years 1976-79 in Tehran, the story of Reza Sarcheshmeh, a man who does not want to compromise on his believes. He is imprisoned and then after 2 years released but involved in the Islamic Revolution.


'The Big Trouble' is a delightful comedy brimming with action, suspense and countless moments of laughter. A group of amateur crooks find themselves working with a helpless womanizer who, as it happens, is also a successful criminal - all in the aid of uniting and stopping their internal disputes. The unforgettably animated performances of the cast highlight their clumsy efforts to steal money and an assortment of other valuables. Coupled with their remarkable failures, this team of unlawful amateurs are masters at causing trouble.

Mohammad is sent to an apartment situated in uptown Tehran to install their satellite dishes, while having satellite TV is illegal in Iran. He arrives there with a girl named Shirin who seems to be his girlfriend and is in need of some money to repair her father's car with which she has had an accident the day before. Each of the house's residents have their own fish to fry and they also want their satellites installed as soon as possible.


Because of him being in strange positions and situations, a man is several times mistaken as other, usually famous people; and now must explain himself to a judge as he has been arrested for impersonation.


Ali is son of a well-off family who plays the santoor (an Iranian instrument) and has earned some reputation through his concerts and teaching music but is rejected by his family because of this profession, which they despise. He falls for one of his music students but after a short blissful period, life doesn't treat him as well as before and also his addiction agonizes him in his numbered days before redemption.


The story of four soldiers who on a Friday go to the city with their commander. But this Friday is different and brings many troubles for them which changes them forever.


In south of Iran Farough who has a garage is not letting Sohrab to has his own job. They fight each other and in the fight Farough dies of an heart attack. His brothers are going after ...


In his last moments Mr. Baheri gives his janitor Mr. Koohsari a small piece of land but his sons are after that piece of land. Soltan who is a thief, pick pocketing the janitor's daughter ...


Seven friends promise to meet each other in the future. On the promised day all come except Ramin who is now a lawyer working for a company. He is in danger so sends his wife instead and has hides himself in some unknown place. One of his friends Ali who is now a police decides to help him.
