Kikko Matsuoka

Story of love, jealousy and hatred among waitresses of a deluxe bar.

An omnibus comedy in which an unique lawyer teaches about laws regarding sex crimes.

A Toho comedy film staring the Crazy Cats.


Pinky and Yoko are about to graduate. Full of hope and uncertainties they embark on a tale of temptation.


A feverishly perverse 1969 film noir oddity starring female impersonator Akihiro Maruyama. When wealthy Kyohei hires singer "Black Rose" to perform in his exclusive men's club, he gets more than he bargains for when she attracts scores of homicidal past lovers. The film takes a bizarre twist when Kyohei's son falls victim to the femme fatale's unique charm.


Contemporary drama of action-oriented photographer who scuba-dives. He witnesses an accident that appears to be a homicide.

Oichi may have met her match as she vies against the evil beauty that has set her sights on destroying her. She must face numerous other challenges before confronting her greatest rival. While longing to live and love like other women, she realizes that she can never have a normal life, her sword which she holds on to like a security blanket will always come between her and such a life...


Getting an opportunity to meet with another half-Caucasian swordsman, Kyoshiro finds himself involved in a series of dangerous encounters.


Owner and workers of a tiny medicine factory fall in love with a lovable girl.

Tonomura has a singular taste in women. He likes them, but he wants them tattooed. To this end, young Osayo has herself decorated with a celebrated flying-angel pattern and in this way brings much pleasure to her patron. A young hoodlum named Shinnosuke also covets the tattooed maiden. He, decorated with the design of a famous thief, finally gets to her and she responds as she rarely does with her older lover. Also in love with her is a young girl named Okimi who has herself tattooed with a courtesan design just to please the older woman. Having done so, however, she becomes fair prey to the tattoo-loving Tonomura who loses no time in seducing her.

About an establishment where old men pay to sleep besides young girls that had been narcotized and happen to be naked, the sleeping beauties. The old men are expected to take sleeping pills and share the bed for a whole night with a girl without attempting anything of bad taste like putting a finger inside their mouths.


Japanese sixties comedy featuring a cunning female jewel thief named Black Lizard who tries to kidnap Sanaye, a wealthy jeweler's beautiful daughter as part of a plot to steal the jeweler's expensive "Star of Egypt" diamond. To thwart the planned kidnapping, the jeweler hires Japan's number one detective, the brilliant Akechi. This sets off a dual between Black Lizard and Akechi as each tries to outwit the other. In the process, the two adversaries develop a mutual respect and affection for each other. Despite Akechi's efforts, Black Lizard and her crew are able to kidnap Sanaye and gain possession of the "Star of Egypt". Black Lizard takes Sanaye to her secret lair on a remote island which is populated by an eerie collection of naked human dolls. There Black Lizard plans to preserve Sanaye's beauty forever by turning her into one of her dolls. As Sanaye's doom quickly approaches, it is up to Akechi to save the day.


A spy learns the top secrets of a company.


Modern sex and thrill film about tattooed prostitute.

The tale begins on the freighter Dragon King, which has been taken over by a motley band of good-for-nothings looking to get their hands on the cargo of gold the ship is carrying. The passengers and crew, their legs bound by shackles and chains, are gathered on deck, where they are gleefully massacred by the thieves. With the witnesses dead and the gold theirs, the murderous thugs set the Dragon King drifting out across the vast Pacific.


After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history, which sees generations of his ancestors sacrificing themselves for the sake of their cruel lords. hey were samurai, the military nobility caste who carried out acts of violence at the behest of feudal lords, but suffered evenmore so under their cruelty, often forced into ritual suicide (seppuku). The women were under constant threat of kidnapping and rape,and the men subjected to arbitrary disfigurement and homosexual slavery...
