Kimberly Dawn Guerrero

When an egotistical social media influencer's dog is kidnapped, her long-suffering assistant teams up with charming local vet to find the puppy before Christmas. As the two investigate suspects, they form a romantic bond along the way.

An offshore drilling accident triggers the release of a giant prehistoric shark. When marine biologist Kat Carmichael arrives, she runs up against corporate front man Roger Wade, who plots with Stewart to disrupt her investigation. With the help of Skipper Chuck and disc jockey Dynamite Stevens, Kat tries to find a way to defeat the monster which has evolved to a state where it can walk on dry land and's the SUPER SHARK!


The gingerdead man travels back in time to 1976 and carries out an epic disco killing spree.


When a black market antiques deal is botched by a goon and his girlfriend, the mummified remains of an alien they were selling is revived by the blood of the murdered dealer. Elridge (Darrow Igus). The bloodhungry mummy is on the run, and stumbles upon an in-patient psychiatric facility that is home to dozens of beautiful, voluptuous nymphomaniacs.
