King Juan Carlos I of Spain

A story of spies and silent pacts, this fascinating docuseries, told in first person by witnesses and experts, exposes how the machinery of the state is keen to protect the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos I, and conceal his scandals.


A serious crisis has shaken Spain since the referendum on self-determination and the proclamation of the independence of Catalonia by the government of Carles Puigdemont, bold actions firmly fought by the Spanish government by applying the constitutional article that allows it to place a region under guardianship. While Spain is on the verge of implosion, Europe is holding its breath.


The sarcastic account of the assassination of five Spanish politicians between 1870 and 1973 is mixed with the narration of five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe illustrated by five skillful pencil artists. A bastard documentary, a video essay, a collage, a provocative experiment where various pop culture figures and icons perform unexpected cameos. The macabre joke of a jester. Never more.

Finally, 33 years later, the whole truth behind the attempted coup d'état that shook Spain on the afternoon of February 23, 1981, is revealed by those who lived through those dreadful hours; a deep look behind the heavy curtain which hides the real mastermind, waiting to be unmasked.


Early 80's, Sara is a good-family girl, she has never been with a man, does not drinks, does not take drugs. Following her love, she enters in "El Calentito" a bar where the group "las Siux" is singing.
