Kirill Käro

Big Boss Evgeny Sergeevich instructs Slava and Zhenya to sell a batch of smuggled solar stone. Slava and Zhenya are friends who have been working in amber since childhood. In the 90s, Slava and Zhenya had a chance to rise, to become wealthy people, but one circumstance that happened through the fault of Slava forever deprived them of this opportunity. After receiving a large batch from Evgeny Sergeevich, Zhenya has a plan in his head on how to get rich quickly and become the person he always dreamed of being. What is Zhenya capable of to achieve his goal, and is there a place for friendship when it comes to big money?


Marta is a brilliant lawyer with an absolute rule: she only protects women. She is ambitious and can win any case, though her meth- ods may not always be above board. Martha’s clients are very di- verse - from the most successful women to victimized teenagers. She does not select them by affluence her core goal is to protect those who need protection. Martha is ready to use any means, even those that are on the wrong side of the law, whether it be, blackmailing, bluffing, bribery, elaborate hijinks. even in the modern world, a woman can be completely defenseless when the deck is stacked. Ask Martha and she will surely find a way out of any situation. However, the cost of it is not always clear even for herself. Martha protects other women, but is not able to deal with her own problems. Winning a high-profile case - she loses her husband a custody of her own daughter, Sasha (9). How can she rewind it all? How can she bring back the most the dearest she had?

A knock on your door sets in motion the feeling of anxiety. Should you open? Who, or what, will you encounter if you do? The characters of this continuous-shot anthology film – a billionaire, a commercial pilot, a trainee police officer, and a young single mother – find themselves in critical situations, facing the unknown. To make the right choice they must look deep within themselves, and recognize the true source of their fears.


Reflections of the shift worker Ivan, who, due to life circumstances, overcomes more than 9000 km to return home. On his way he meets many interesting people: military, students, mothers with children, men, women, old people. The landscapes outside the window, time zones, people are changing. But their stories remain, stories about life, love, hope and faith.

A warm sea, hot sun, a burning beauty in a police uniform and a bottle of wine are all that Yura Skvortsov needs to be happy, who has come to the resort to heal his mental wounds. Of course, there is a low season in any resort. But only here, in Bulgaria, it comes literally. First, the English doggie disappears, then the lion, and then the already few tourists disappear altogether. Yura will have to defend his right to life and love in a fierce battle with unknown monsters that threaten all living things. Fortunately, the invincible monsters have one weak point: alcohol is poison for them!


"Jester's Night: Seriously Off Nut" tells us a story that happened the day before - The New Year. It is the time when we wait for the wishes to come true. The picture is about our dreams that change with time and, unfortunately, become more pragmatic. The characters dedicate their lives to the career without noticing anything around them even their lovers' worries. Living this day together with characters, a viewer understands that it is never too late to implement in life their dreams. A businessman and a housewife; a cab driver and a man-hater; a secretary and a barbershop; a director and an ordinary tutor - everyone has their own New Year. For someone it is a pleasant fuss and an opportunity to make a secret wish. For others it is an annual tradition to make fun of oneself and to laugh at others during "Jester's Night".

The warm sea, the hot sun, the burning beauty in police uniform and a bottle of wine are all that Yura Skvortsov needs when he arrives at the resort to heal his wounds. Of course, in any resort there is a dead season. But only here, in Bulgaria, it comes literally. First, the English dog disappears, then the lion, and then even a few tourists disappear altogether ... Yura will have to defend her right to life and love in a fierce battle with unknown monsters that threaten all life. Fortunately, invincible monsters show one weakness: alcohol is poison for them!

From the first look Kostya “Cat” Sukhoveev is an ordinary 15-years old boy. He doesn’t do very well at school, his parents are in the middle of a divorce, and he doesn’t have many friends, until one day he finds one online…

A deadly virus of unknown origin has decimated Moscow. Sergey, along with his girlfriend and their autistic son are joined by his exwife, their son and several fellows to escape the quarantine zone lest they suffer a slow and painful death. Somewhere far away, on a desert island in Karelia, there is a cabin- their only chance to start all over again. But the journey will not be an easy one as the deadly virus and interpersonal conflict threaten to pull the group apart.

New film by Lyubov Knyazeva

The shift worker Ivan covers more than 9000 km by train. Landscapes, time zones, people are changing. But their stories of life, love, hope and faith remain.


Facing the end of civilization when a terrifying plague strikes, a group risks their lives, loves — and humanity — in a brutal struggle to survive.


Michael's perfect life changes dramatically when he discovers a portal wich allows him to travel in time. He travels back to the World War II to go through the quest of time and find his one and only beloved.


Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.


The touching love story of a deaf fisherman and singer from a coastal cafe.


The life of the ordinary teenager Vania changes when he makes the acquaintance of three strange guys. Sportsmen, hooligans, dreamers – they call themselves “Rag Union” and believe that they can change the world. Enchanted by his new friendship, Vania puts them up at his dacha and tries to become part of their grand organization. But the neighbour girl Sasha has her own plans with this company.


Fleeing from the Russian secret police, a young Estonian fencer is forced to return to his homeland, where he becomes a physical education teacher at a local school. The past however catches up and puts him in front of a difficult choice.


Igor, a Russian oligarch gets into a heated argument with Eva, his estranged daughter whilst traveling on his private jet. Igor orders the plane to land. As the plane touches down Eva disappears into the Goan jungle. Thus begins Igor's desperate search for his only daughter. A search that will bring him and Eva into contact with various characters who in turn are trying to find their own paths through life. Makar, a guy from Novosibirsk, who is desperately searching for enlightenment. Alexey and Kristina are ending their marriage here, while Dimon and Lenya are raising hell and pushing Goa to its partying limits. Kosmos the Guru ("just don't call him that") dispenses the chemicals that in a bat of an eyelid will take you to an alternate reality. There are different destinies here. There are a myriad of people. But all of them have one Motherland, which is easy not to love as long it is close to you


An extraordinary sense of smell gives a crime investigator unique insight into solving mysteries, but his gift takes a toll on his personal life.


In this 10-minute study the fi lm crew tries to get to the secrets of one of the wildest branches of experimental medicine.


On a deserted railway line two trains have stopped because of repair works. Opposite each other. Time goes by, and movement is still not restored. Among the passengers some strange relations begin to develop...


The story of a controlled supply (several tons of drugs), which was carried out by Soviet customs officers in close contact with US intelligence agencies. Alexander Vetrov, while performing a combat mission in Afghanistan, is captured by dushmans. The only chance for him to return to his homeland is to accompany the caravan with the load of its "owner". But neither he nor his "master" are aware that the secret services are already carrying the cargo ...


Modern adaptation of the eponymous historical tragedy by A.S. Pushkin. The picture opens from the scene of the murder in Uglich of a young heir to the Russian throne by unknown people. It takes several years. Boris Godunov is persuaded to take the throne remaining vacant, despite his doubts. During the press conference, the Duma clerk announces Godunov’s decision to ascend the kingdom. People are discussing this decision at the TV. Behind the tsar’s back there is a secret undercover fight of several boyar groups for domination under the new government. Godunov, who ascended the throne, obsessively pursues a vision of the boy he killed. Meanwhile, the monk Grigory Otrepyev is hiding in the Miracle Monastery. After talking with Pimen, he learns the secret of the murder, flees from the monastery and decides to try to come to power. Having secured foreign help and gathered an army, Grigory goes to Moscow.


Director Andres Puustusmaa movie based on Andres Anvelt novel.


Kind and lazy Jenya comes to Moscow from small village in Belarus for earnings. Criminal incident unexpectedly separates Jenya from companions and leaves him alone without money and documents. He has no friends or relatives in this big and hostile city and he is about to end as a homeless bum.


This is the life story of the outstanding Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov. They say that sometimes people are able to foresee their death, then before their eyes in a short period of time all life passes, all the most significant moments, all the people dear to a person. The plot of the picture and the style of narration is very different from everything that has already been shot or written on this topic. Like an ordinary Russian guy who has a congenital heart disease and is an eternal target for the wit of his peers due to a speech impairment, he was able to become the Olympic champion twice, eight times the World Champion, become the legend of Russian hockey and a role model for several generations of professionals and amateur athletes ? What was behind all these, at what price was this achieved, and what price had to be paid subsequently?


A few summer days of three ordinary Moscow girls on the threshold of adulthood. Farewell to childhood in schoolyards and entrances of sleeping areas, where everything is for the first time and the world is just beginning - from secretly purchased cigarettes and cans with gin and tonic to an adult passport, first love and almost real tragedies.


Blogger-millionaire Egor, in pursuit of content, goes to the shooting of a test drive of a car in the Caucasus Mountains. Everything goes out of control at the moment when an employee of the auto company Alexander, who is helping Yegor, accidentally steps on a war mine, and Yegor decides to hyip on this. Now, when one is fighting for his own life, and the other for millions of views, everyone is for himself. But together they will have to make one common decision - whose death will we see on the air?


The plot tells about the former motorcycle racer, the champion of the motorcycle track, who, having become a drunken alcoholic, moonlights as a sober driver and tries to improve his life.


Vanya is sixteen. He spends every summer at the dacha with his childhood friends Masha and Kirill. But this summer promises to be completely unusual! The guys decide to give up mobile phones and find themselves in an unusual real world, which promises many exciting adventures, experiences, first true love.


During the next duty, patrolman Vera Sedova single-handedly prevents a tragedy at the college, but a student dies in the process. She claims that the guy had a sawed-off gun, however, no weapons were found. The policewoman is cursed by her parents and the public. The only one who becomes humanly sorry for Vera is the appointed lawyer Ilya Nesterov. Ilya is more and more immersed in the case and is convinced that his client may be right.

Russian short movie

Boris works as a geography teacher in an ordinary Khabarovsk school. His life is pretty routine. In addition to the school and the garden, Boris has a son, Misha, with whom they have been communicating less and less lately and have become distant people for each other. Everything changes when Misha gives his father his old smartphone for his birthday. Boris begins to understand the phone and registers in social networks. Accidentally, Boris adds one unfamiliar woman named Nadezhda as a friend. An active correspondence is tied up, which subsequently becomes fateful. At one point, Boris decides to go to Nadezhda in the Moscow region to surprise her. He persuades his son, who is engaged in hauling cars, to take him with him on a trip. During a joint trip through all of Russia, old conflicts between father and son are revealed, the reasons for their separation from each other are clarified.

Viktor is a brilliant businessman. His brain calculates financial schemes no worse than any computer, and his intuition is better than a lie detector "reads" each person. The price for such success is problems in the family. But who doesn't? One day, Viktor accidentally learns that the whole world, seemingly created by his hands, is someone’s long-thought-out plan, and he himself is not the master of life, but just a puppet, which is already pretty tired of the invisible puppeteer. Viktor starts the game ahead of the curve: to to live on and save his loved ones, he needs to find his "programmer" until he finally wiped him off the face of the Earth. Expensive villas with exquisite interiors, airports, abandoned bunkers, deceptively comfortable houses or high-tech business centers - everywhere there is a place to hide another clue for Victor.