Klaus Herm

A social satire in which a chauffeur accidentally becomes the editor of an online newspaper.


At the height of the cold war in the divided country of Germany, several individuals try to smuggle 'real' coffee from West Berlin into East Germnany via train, despite the erstwhile efforts of security guards trying to prevent them doing so.


Schwarz greift ein is a German television series.


A drama directed by Vivian Naefe.


"The Malpractice" - On a Sunday, Dr. Dorlach was called to the clinic. Unexpectedly, Frau Bahlke, a mother of three, is in a coma. Any help comes too late. Dr. Dorlach realizes that the patient is dying as a result of a diagnostic error.

"Tod eines Schülers" is a German television series directed by Claus Peter Witt, based on a script by Robert Stromberger. The six part TV mini series is about the fictional suicide by train of student Claus Wagner. Each episode begins with Wagner's death, looking into the subject from different points of view.


Samuel Beckett directs for German television.

Samuel Beckett directs for German television.

Der kleine Doktor is a German television series.


German TV-movie that includes poems by Nelly Sachs.