Klaus Lemke

A spirit of optimism, structural change, emancipation: by showing excerpts from his films such as LIEBE, SO SCHÖN WIEBE (1971), SYLVIE (1973), IDOLE (1976) and AMORE (1978), Klaus Lemke tells his story of the decade, now half a century ago, that was so formative for Munich, with sentences such as: "Back then, we all thought life was eating out of our hands, then in the '80s we became fodder ourselves."

»I’d prefer to be the film myself than just the director«: with Klaus Lemke, the boundaries between life and screen are fluid. For more than 50 years he has made films on low budgets using amateur actors without a screenplay. His cinema is brutal and impulsive, every film a slap in the face for the staid productions of the mainstream. In Bad Boy Lemke, he brings unfinished projects to an end and reflects on his body of work – of course à la Lemke: radical, confusing and powerful.

The film is part of Lemkes never-ending Munich series, but this time it leads beyond Schwabing or Maxvorstadt, which makes it more entertaining than its predecessors. After a stop at the Bayrischer Hof, it moves into the Glockenbachviertel, over the Reichenbachbrücke to the Isar, further into the suburbs. These places are not alien to residents of Munich or tourists, but Lemke knows no tour guide romance. He has the usual group of main characters, two or three girls, a young man, and sends them off as if on a great expedition. They bring along the Lemkestyle, which doesn't fit in anywhere, but works like a contrast medium. Their fantasy figures make the reality around them more real.

On the run from her ex-lover, Judith hides in the toilet at the Munich Art Academy. In the basement. She wants to hijack the snobbish art scene with a scandal video.


In the 1970s, the Munich Group set about revolutionizing German film with low budgets and an excess of creativity. The Bungalow bar next to the Türkendolch theater was their meeting place, who were inspired by the French New Wave and New Hollywood. Munich Group star Iris Berben takes us on a journey back through time, a wild trip full of film clips and interviews with major figures of an unforgettable era.


A documentary directed by Dominik Graf and Johannes F. Sievert.


A attractive young man wanders through the streets seducing women and stealing goods from people. He meets with a nymphomaniac girl and a failed painter.


Crime film by Lemke


Film about Lemke's films.

Thriller about drug dealers

Love story set during the world cup 2006


Charming but scheming "Colonel" Monk arrives to Ibiza in search of his missing son. He spends most of his time talking with his son's girlfriends and it turns out that the son might not actually want to be found.


Two young women kidnap the manager of the German telephone provider and start making strange demands while getting to know their captive a little better


Young people in Hamburg.


Life of a womanizer in Hamburg


An estranged couple meets up years later. Chaos ensues.


No overview found.


Teenager Raphaela was born blind into a wealthy, material focused family. Her father escapes reality into an affair with his secretary while her mother reacts to the difficult situation in an over protective and possessive conduct towards her blind daughter.


Markus, 16, goes to the city where his big brother Mischa will show him the ropes. But Mischa has gambled away his money, leading to theft and deeper troubles. Markus must take revenge.

Markus is 15 years old and gets into the Munich scene. Obviously no good idea...

A man moves to Berlin after relationship trouble.


A young man travels to Munich to become a priest and save the sinners. Then he meets a prostitute.


Four quarrelsome girlfriends with no discernible vocal skills form an a capella group.


Small town waitress Annerl pines for the captain of the local soccer team. When he falls for a travelling dancer, Annerl jealously follows her to Munich and embarks on an adventure involving a famous pop singer.


After 7 years spent in jail Paul is free again. With his old crew he celebrates his return.


Two men and a woman drive towards a strange ceremony.

Fashion model Sylvie falls asleep drunk in the cab of Munich taxi driver Paul, and an impossible love affair beckons. Renegade director Klaus Lemke had previously startled German TV audiences with the biker drama Rocker, announcing an unprecedented, unvarnished freshness and authenticity with nonprofessional actors, real dialect and on-the-fly style. In Sylvie, he adds a disarming tenderness.


In Hamburg, West Germany, a rocker biker gang helps a kid avenge his brother who was murdered by a rival gang, a mortal enemy of rocker gangs.


A group of friends tries to start a circus.


Two rival gangs try to obtain the five parts of a dangerous formula held by five scientists.


In this comedy, Iris Berben plays a mysterious, supernaturally beautiful girl from another planet, who confuses and flusters the men on earth, where she has landed. The men follow her wherever she goes. Marquard Bohm is no exception here - he leaves his wife in a lurch and travels with the Supergirl to Spain. The girl doesn't tell much about herself; she reports, though, about an impending threat from outer space.


A young drifter falls in love with a model.


Short film by Martin Müller

A drama set in Cologne’s revolutionary circles of the late 1960s.


Everyday life in a commune near Munich in the spring of 1969

The wife of a international spy arrives in Berlin for a holiday. While her husband is away, she falls in love with a British photographer.


A young man gets caught up in criminal activities in order to fulfill his desire for an easy life.


18 year-old Sabine wants to lose her virginity in order to win back her ex-boyfriend Klaus. She asks her extremely shy classmate Martin for help.


A woman decides that her boyfriend has to marry her.


Short film by Rudolf Thome.


Short film by Klaus Lemke

Short relashionship film.


Men try to catch a woman's attention.


T. finds a letter. Instead of just dropping it in a mailbox, he decides, conscientious as he is, to deliver it personally. He wanders the entire world, discovers astounding forms of existence, but cannot be hindered from his duty and keeps looking until he finally finds the address. There, he finds out that he has delivered his own judgment.


In this action film, a young couple is invited to his boss’ house. On the way, he gets out for a cigarette and she takes the wheel and speeds off. He hails a cab and pursues her through night-time Munich. The chase takes him through back courtyards, malls, night clubs and bars. At the end of the duel, she’s the clear victor.


Short film by Rudolf Thome.

Three men go fishing.


Documentary by Ulrich Schamoni about the current state of German cinema. Produced for German television.


A film critic falls in love.