Klavdiya Kozlenkova

A cunning fox tricks a wolf again and again.


Actions of the movie occurred in Post-WWII years in small village. Mother with three children. Father was lost in the war, like many other. 11-year old son rather smart boy is main help in housekeeping. But here was primary school only, and he was sent to study to neighbor village over 50 km. He lives with his mother's friend - woman and two children. Mother brought food one time per 3 weeks, and he cooks and eats separately from householders. To buy more food he plays game 'money'. He was beaten by older boys – usual child's cruelty.


Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.


The dentist of the provincial town of Upper Yamki made an unexpected scientific discovery by finding the thirty-third tooth in the patient’s oral cavity, Ivan Sergeyevich Travkin. Travkin, exhausted from pain, was taken to Moscow. Ivan Sergeyevich first becomes a patient of a madhouse (thanks to envious persons), and then — a hero of a scientific international conference and, finally, a patient of a dentist professor Bruk.


A fairy tale about a conceited young man and a young woman with a tyrannical step-mother, who must overcome magical trials in order to be together.


Once at Borka, a big prankster and fidget, an adult friend appeared — the builder Ivan Degtyarev. Former sailor directed Borkin's energy in the right direction and made him his assistant. Soon a disaster happened in the Borkin family. His sister Liza will soon become a mother, and the father of the unborn child did not want to marry her and avoided meeting. Ivan tried to unite the young, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Having fallen in love with Lisa, he proposed to her — and soon the young happy family moved to a new home.


Pilot Losev, who lost his family during the war, learns that his daughter Aurika was saved during the bombing, and sets off in search of her. The former pilot will survive many fates and stories before a familiar chorus of a lullaby helps him to recognize his daughter in a random fellow traveler.


Ivan Brovkin finishes serving in the army with the rank of sergeant and, together with a group of comrades after demobilization, decides to go to the development of state farm. He arrives at his native collective farm and meets there a cool welcome: the chairman of the collective farm, the bride Lyubasha and mother — consider him a traitor. The planned wedding is canceled, and Brovkin leaves for the state farm. Brovkin comes to the state farm at the time of plowing the land. He joins the team. Winter passes after working days. In letters home he writes that everything is fine with him. News about how Ivan lives is spreading throughout the village. Lyubasha is seriously thinking about running away from home to the state farm...


Young Leningraders, yesterday’s schoolchildren, are entering adulthood. Sonya is in love with Styopa, but he loves Tanya, and Tanya prefers Fedya. The rejected Styopa leaves for a distant Siberian city and starts working at the factory, studying at the evening institute. Sonya leaves after him and gets a job at the same factory. Tanya and Fedya, having married, go to college, and the young husband has to earn some money as a driver to support his family. The selfish nature of Tanya refuses to put up with the modest position in which the newlyweds are forced to be, and she starts an affair with an elderly composer...
