Konrad Baumann

Schoolboy Martin, bright but small for his age, has to move and change school because of his mother's new jobs, while only his father really tries to understand him. Even before reaches class he bumps into cocky, athletic rascal Oliver. It seems like Oliver's best friend Silke (a girl) taking to Martin will aggravate their tension, but she actually gets them to spend time together and grow closer. Martin even takes the blame, which neither parent understands, for Oliver smoking in class, a third strike meaning expulsion. Oliver's knavish mischief actually stems from his dad's drinking problem and its root, his ma's infidelity. When he runs away, Martin takes him in.


His 24 goals last defeat was too much. The Beast's team has been dissolved and now the kids have fun with other adventures. But when they thought they had forgotten the soccer, something makes them wake up, they learn that there is a new team that is sweeping the league. A team of presumptuous players who swagger to beat all the teams and also, is composed only of ... girls! They call themselves vampires. Our kids can not let another team to occupy what was their place for so long. It is time to demonstrate that the wild beasts are the best, that they have matured and are the wildest team. But perhaps this time the opponent is harder than they think and confrontation will not stay only in the field ...


The Beasts, a young football team, have a new coach who will teach them much more than tactics to develop on the court.
