Konrad Von Bork

The third part of Seventh Company adventures.


Middle-aged businessman, Simon Léotard finds his future in jeopardy when his partner Julien commits suicide after having accumulated a mass of debts. Simon's unscrupulous business rival Lépidon offers to save him from bankruptcy by buying his company, at a discount rate. Reluctant to fall into Lépidon's trap, Simon decides to resolve the crisis himself. A prostitute, Mado, provides him with the solution to his problems...


In this French-language film, Albin (Henri Serre) is a mercenary soldier. Sure, he's paid to kill, but he only agrees to jobs where he's killing those who need to be killed. Anyway, he trusts his buddies, and they trust him: in this case with a big haul of money they found in a jungle shoot-out. When he returns to France one of the first things he does, quite by chance, is to go see the act of Le Grande Magic Circus. The circus keeps coming into his life for the rest of the movie, as he tries to live a "regular" life.


War criminals, escaped from Germany, joining the network in Morocco where, before going to South America they change their facial structure. Marchelier pretends to be one of them. Marchelier can therefore collect within the network the most valuable information, especially as he became the lover of Eva. But Herbert, deputy chief Nazi, gradually feeds suspicions. Betrayed by a double agent, Marchelier is unmasked. Thanks to the intervention of his leaders and the Moroccan police, Marchelier is rescued. Herbert was shot, as Philippe. The man with The Bandaged face is none other than Hitler himself.

During World War II, two French civilians and a downed British Bomber Crew set out from Paris to cross the demarcation line between Nazi-occupied Northern France and the South. From there they will be able to escape to England. First, they must avoid German troops - and the consequences of their own blunders.
