Konstantin Milovanov

The story takes place in 18th century russia. empress elizabeth’s confessor, monk named Lavr, is exiled to a monastery in a haunted mountainous region, taking his secret ancient knowledge with him. Years later, the empress sends her godson Andrey to bring the monk back. Andrey travels to the ill-famed place and meets with Lavr, but before they can return to St. Petersburg they must face evil forces and creatures of the dark side.


When a beautiful new student, Angelina Aistova joins Liosha Agafonov's group at college, he feels an instant attraction to her. However, after several unsuccessful attempts at catching her attention, he decides the best way forward is to arrange a small collision with their cars. As a result Liosha finds himself at Angelina's house reporting the 'accident' to her father. Very soon Liosha realises that he has fallen in love with the daughter of an oligarch - Angelina's father is a business magnate but whose company has been suffering because of a long-standing feud with an old rival. In order to somehow hush up the car accident, Liosha is hired as a gardener at the Aistovs' house. In his line of duties he is required to make a number of visits to a florist's shop where he befriends Katia the sales girl.


A funny fantasy about mangers, hobbits and other surprising people.


Young Russian Prince Yaroslav fights the robbers, tribes and the invaders. He is the first to unite Russian lands and to create the original Russian state.


They were young, their life was in bloom and their hearts were longing to love.


Colonel Karas lives with his wife, Larisa, a gynaecologist and their son, Andrey in a large house in the city. Apart from his demanding job in the military, the colonel loves to hunt and fish, which takes him away from home for long periods of time. However, it is his love of other women that is the real cause of his absences and his marital problems. With this example to follow, it is no surprise that the children are also proving unlucky in love. Daughter Veronica has fallen in love with the wrong man while son Andrey is following in his father's footsteps and gaining a reputation as a ladies' man. When the colonel is told by his superiors that his family is to be relocated to a small flat, he decides the easiest solution would be to marry Andrey off.


Кассирша супермаркета Галина находит утешение от семейных неурядиц в любви к студенту и помогает ему выбраться из-под материнского гнета. Студент счастлив, но чтобы решить свои материальные проблемы, он выносит из магазина, когда Галина работает за кассой продукты. Разумеется, они попадаются…

A group of soldiers is stuck on the Russian-Chechen border near the field which locals call dead.


A mystery around a search for a lost skull of Nikolay Gogol.
