Kostas Kazakos

Shadow puppetry is not only part of the heritage of East Asia; Greece had its own traditional form of this popular art. In this leisurely drama, set in 1950s Athens, Antonis Barkis (Kostas Kasakos) is the master puppeteer for a traditional shadow show. However, although he is still making a living, it is clear that other forms of popular entertainment will soon supplant this one. This does not improve Antonis' temper, and his assistant's desires to modernize their entertainments only make it worse.


The story of Nikos Belogiannis member of the communist party and officer of Ellas that has come back to Greece only to get arrested, tried for espionage on behalf of Russia and executed.


The Greek army is about to set sail to a great battle, but the winds refuse to blow. Their leader, King Agamemnon, seeks to provide better food, but accidentally slays a sacred deer. His punishment from the gods, the sacrifice of his daughter Iphigenia.


1940. Anna stay alone, her husband her brother her father leave for the war with the Italians. The attack of the Germans will give a hard blow to her family. She will continue to fight, approaching the German commander of the area.


The Antonis Maras, a successful professional, and his wife Olga live a peaceful and happy life until the Antonis discovers the double life of his wife. Instructs s` an employee to monitor and eventually will discover that the husband goes secretly to a remote house. The secret of Olga, however, is that extorted by a coil holding her brother hostage. The brother of escapes and suicides and members of Spiral abduct Olga.


Based on Aristophanes's play, Athenian women band together to encourage their men to stop fighting the Spartans by withholding sex from them when they return from the front.


The Peace and Betty are twins and look like as two drops of water but their characters are completely different. Betty is open and jovial man while peace is closed off and timid. Their music professor Roda visitors to their island home and proposes to the Peace who are virtuoso piano to follow a series of concerts in Paris. Initially HESITATES but when Betty will announce that he will marry with Petro, with which peace is also in love, will change their minds and accept the proposal of Roda.


The story of three young girls that are sisters and remain with their mother a tavern in the port. The Persa, the more dynamic it has relations with the labeled Zachos. The Tasia waiting at the port for years, the return of her beloved. Hara, a tomboy, reluctant to reveal feelings for Alekos, who sees it as a good childhood friend. Among all these catalytic moves a man of law, Orpheus.


Returning from a business trip to Rhodes, Markos finds out that his sick son has been kidnapped. He agrees to pay the ransom that the kidnappers demand but the police officer Makridis sees that the money used is marked so they can track them down.


The abysmal hatred which exists between two landowners is transferred to their natural environment as well. Whatever crosses the river separating the two families, be it man or beast, dies. The film is yet another rendering of the Romeo and Juliet tale, with intense emotions, dominated by the extreme behavior of the heroes. The film tries to imitate the style, atmosphere and action of westerns.


An unconscious driver fatally injures a woman and leaves her helpless to die. The victim was the wife of investigator Kostas Kyriazis, who, six years later, is called upon to solve a similar incident. He will not be able to perform his work without emotional involvement and passion, as he leads to the conclusion that the driver being treated is the same as the person responsible for the death of his wife.

Athens, shortly before the outbreak of World War II and an Army General Staff official, Niki (Jenny Carezis), is charged with channeling confidential documents to an Italian agent. The category is right. The girl was blackmailing herself with the life of her brother studying in Italy. She does not make any effort to defend herself and is indifferent if she is sentenced to death, but she accepts the cooperative proposal proposed by General Darius, that is to continue to channel secret documents to the Italians, but now they are deliberately made to deceive the enemy . The whole case is also involved with a captain, Theodorou, who is in love with Niki. Theodorou is arrested for misappropriation of documents and goes through a military court where he is sentenced to demolition and death. Certainly, his execution was fictitious, and on the day Greek troops enter Korça, he is shown alive to Niki, which does not hide her surprise.


From a tragic misunderstanding, the farmer Stathis Karatasos (Angelos Antonopoulos) is accused as the leader of a notorious gang. He manages to escape just before getting executed and the law enforcement starts chasing him. Even the bandits are looking to find him, believing that he has the loot of the robbery in his possession. In addition, another prisoner called Tsakos (Kostas Kazakos) tries to locate him and bring him back dead or alive, in order to ensure the freedom promised to him by the police.


One of filmmaker and expatriate writer Adonis Kyrou's best-known quotes translates roughly as "I urge you: Learn to look at 'bad' films, they are so often sublime." The same could be said of Kyrou's own directorial work in Greece before the advent of the 1967 dictatorship forced him to flee to Paris. This confused mess, the first cinematic attempt at portraying the Greek resistance in WWII, caused quite a stink upon release, as much for its surprising style (recalling that of Bertolt Brecht) as for its subject matter. Reaction to its screening as part of the 1966 Cannes Film Festival's International Critic's Week was heated and divisive, proving Kyrou's later statement by rising above its own inherent silliness to achieve a sort of rarefied critical status. It's bad drama that nonetheless succeeds by dint of audacity more than quality (a comment which could apply equally to the work of many exploitation directors like Jean Rollin whom Kyrou later so lovingly profiled).


To preserve his mother and sister, Michalis works at the port of Piraeus. His sister falls in love with a poor young man, but she is engaged to another man. When the girl loses her light in an accident, her fiancée will disappear, and only the young man who really loves her will stay with her. The latter will sell the coffee shop that is given to him by a friend and he will be able to cure it in America.

Grigoris (Kostas Voutsas), a shopkeeper from Katerini, wins the first prize at a radio station that covers his expenses for a week in Athens. Arriving in the capital, the members of two gangs think it is Polydoros, the man who was to carry a stolen ancient statue to sell it to a rich collector. Grigoris, by chance, acquires the statue, and the captain (Kostas Kazakos) of a gang, with the help of a charming woman (Eleni Prokopiou), tries to trap him. Eventually, Grigoris will be hunted by both the gangs and the police ...


Alekos serves as captain of LOC in the area of Trikala. He loves Maria, which she keeps her relationship hidden from hers. When her father discovers it, he sends her to a monastery. Alekos is looking for her but can not find her. He leaves for the war, where after an injury he will lose his memory ...
