Kou Feng

At age 12, in the twilight of the Chinese Civil War, GAO Bing-han followed the Nationalist government in their exodus to Taiwan under his mother’s orders. Now, in his 80s and a lawyer, GAO encounters three mothers in his work. The first is HONG, who tolerates her son’s violence. The second is JIANG, an indigenous woman who isn’t accepted by her father-in-law. And the last one is XIE, who seems elegant on the surface but is greatly depressed due to her family problems. In the midst of dealing with the conflicts of these three, GAO can’t help but sigh: “Did the war really end?”

Chun, 28, Taiwanese, goes on a conflict-packed search journey with her Chinese guide, Ming, to find her father's long-lost first love, XiuQian, in China. Chun's father had promised XiuQian 60 years ago that he'd definitely come back to marry her. But not until recently, Taiwan and China were hostile to each other, he was never able to fulfill his promise. Chun and Ming grew up on two sides of the Taiwan Strait and were brought up with different values. They don't hesitate to cut each other down to size. Their turbulent romance unfolds in tears, laughter and a clash of values. The love story of two generations, across the Taiwan Strait, told with touching drama and biting comedy, is a poignant and entertaining road movie.


A court justice finds himself in a bad spot when the criminal case that he hears involves members of his own family. He jails his own son for murder and witnesses the break up of his family among other things.


A Chinese village run by beautiful women turns out to be more than the local men bargained for--especially if they have any idea of seducing the local beauties, then running out on them.


A pearl diver's life takes an exciting turn when she discovers an underwater smuggling syndicate that hopes to use her in their operations.

A young man joins a kung-fu academy but fails to fit in. He soon runs off with the master's daughter and becomes a salt smuggler. He ends up joining with the school's top fighter - his former rival - against a local mob leader.


THE REVENGE OF THE TWO EXORCISTS (1975) is another rarity; this one from Lai Sheng Ying, a cinematographer turned director. Based on a Chinese folk tale, according to the article, all the stars are new faces and a portion of the film was shot in Japan.

Taiwanese war film directed by Li Chia.

A good, atmospheric, turn-of-the-century horror story with ghosts, vampires, and an impossible love triangle.

A young scholar is asked by a woman ghost to bring her back to the world where she wants to take her revenge on her killers.

In this bizarre story, a young woman is led to believe that men only have one thing on their minds. To avoid being taken advantaged of, she goes on a rampage, doing what others deem to be acts of the deranged.

Taiwanese romantic comedy.