Kouichi Nihei

Yura is a young boy whose family leaves Tokyo to live with his grandmother in the snowy countryside. Not only must he fit in at a new school, but it's a Christian one to boot. At first he's puzzled when he and his classmates are called to "worship", but he gradually adjusts to his new environment. One day, in the middle of a prayer, he sees a very small Jesus appear before him. Each wish Yura makes to Jesus comes true, and he starts to have faith in the power of the Lord.


Wisdom Tooth - In Japanese, I write "I do not know my parents". Unlike the beginning of infant teething, parents never know the beginning of this tooth. One day, a high school student, Asumi who pulled out wisdom tooth, notice the existence of the new world.

"Elite" members of an insurance company are gathered together to form a unit to investigate an accident and whether the company needs to pay out on the insurance policy or not.

Shun Nakahara directs this comic take on Sidney Lumet's 1957 classic Twelve Angry Men. Just as in that earlier work, this film takes place in a jury room and takes place in real time. The film opens as the jury is about to acquit the defendant -- a bar hostess who pushed her ex-husband path of an oncoming truck, supposedly in self-defense. Just as everyone seems to be in agreement over the woman's innocence, one bespectacled juror (Kazuyuki Aijima) -- no one is given names in this film -- voices second thoughts. Slowly, like an inversion of Henry Fonda's character in the earlier film, he sets about convincing his fellow jurors -- a group of nice folks who don't like thinking ill of people -- that the defendant is in fact a cold-blooded killer.
