Kruno Valentić

The story happens during the 1990's war in the Balkans, when Ana lost her and was raped the Serb para-military forces.


During the WWII, the communist resistance, with the help of a few local anti-fascists, makes sabotage and obstructs the actions of the Yugoslav quislings.


It’s the winter of 1942. A freight train on the section of the Slavonian railway Vinkovci-Nova Gradiska is under a special Gestapo escort. Fleeing misfortune and evil brought by war, the last wagon is the place of encounter of politicians, war smugglers, deserters and tamburitza players.


Melkior Tresic is one of many intellectuals in 1941 Zagreb who is helplessly waiting for the encroaching war.


A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.


Just before Italy's capitulation in 1943, an eminent lawyer is being forcefully taken to the fort by Italian authorities along with his fourteen year old son, in order to reconstruct the judicial process for thirty nameless people that never actually took place.


A story about life adversities of an old emigrant who returns from America to his native village.


In a village of heterogeneous ethnic composition (populated by Serbs and Croats), the local hunter gets wounded by an accidental shot which stirs up passion among the two communities.


Written in 1932 between the two world wars, this TV drama brings a critique of militarism and speaks of the meaninglessness of warfare and the tragedy of human lives and the tragedy of human lives in such an environment.

After the death of his beloved wife, a nobleman from northern Croatia turns to spiritualism refusing to accept that she's gone. She begins to appear in his presence and he starts to believe that she's alive.


A theater premiere of Timon of Athens ends with a rapturous applause from the audience, and Boris, the lead actor (Boris Buzančić), is congratulated for having played the role of his lifetime. Encouraged by the sense of his own worth, he starts a romantic affair with a prompter, spurring gossip in the theater. The ensemble embarks on a tour, but as their performances achieve more success, Boris is becoming less liked among his colleagues, and he begins to experience the fate of the character he is playing...


Group of concentration camp prisoners is being constantly tortured by their Kappo. Since they are too weak to stand against him, they pick the strongest among themselves and feed him with parts of their rations.


A group of village boys found a comradeship under the leadership of the most intelligent amongst them - Pero Krvžica. They decide to renovate the old and abandoned watermill on the outskirts of the village. A discord amongst the villages cause the mill to thenceforth remain unused. The owner of the steam mill benefits most from this situation. To make sure it stays closed, the corrupted steam mill owner is ready to bribe customers. Pero's comradeship does not want to give in under the pressure of corrupt villagers...


Two friends try to tear out their lives from the clutches of idle. An existential study of ordinary lives led by two alienated urban white collar workers, Accidental Life was the only feature film of Ante Peterlić, Croatian film theorist and film critic. The film received mediocre reviews and went largely unnoticed after its release, but has been reevaluated decades later as one of the best Croatian films ever made.


Dalmatia in the 1930s. Mate Pivac, a policeman and father of eight, finds out that the King himself becomes godfather to every ninth children in the country, and tries to make his wife sure that they need another child hoping for financial or any other kind of support. Eventually in the town arrives a circus troop, whose main star looks identically to Our Lady of the Angel. The attractive lady arouses male fantasies, so local women ask from Mate to make her leave the town by force. The trouble is that Mate himself is not immune to her beauty.


An experimental film about peaceful and carefree life in a small Dalmatian town, which turns into bloodshed and horror on the Eve of Italian occupation of the country.


Beautiful but ailing girl is married to a harsh man who doesn't care for her. Only after she dies does he realize that he actually loves her.


Segment "Duga ulica" (A Long Street): A young man named Boris and a girl, Vera, live in the same neighborhood. They meet one night when she loses her key. Boris invites her to spend the night at his place; Segment "Čekati" (To Wait): Married students, Ivan and Sonja, live in an old woman's apartment. She is sick and the couple hopes that she will die soon, so that they may inherit her apartment; Segment "Poslije predstave" (After the Play): A husband and a wife lose the key to their apartment and have to spend the night in a hotel. The experience is wonderful and renews their feelings for each other, if only for a night.


The mother of a national hero Nikoletina Bursac leads an imaginary conversation with the statue of her deceased son. We follow events from Nikoletina's life and war: his joining of the partisans together with his neighbor Jovica Jez, meeting with the small Jewish girl Erna who survived the slaughter of her village, constant quarrels and friendship with commander Pirgo and commissar Zlatko, meeting with Curetak and their unsuccessful love relationship.


The story about colonization of poor Dalmatian peasants to the fertile Pannonian plain shortly after WWII.


A bus and a truck are moving towards each other along a two-way traffic highway on a rainy day. At the very beginning we learn that a reckless driver of another car will cause them to collide while trying to pass the bus; we even learn what seats will spell doom for their occupants. The rest of the movie follows two streams of events on the bus and on the truck, getting us to know and like a wide variety of characters, wondering which ones will end up being casualties and holding breath for our favourites. The epilogue brings some more surprises...
