Krzysztof Janczar

A young photographer moves to Praga, the most notorious district of Warsaw, known for common crime and alcoholism as well as unique folklore. This experience will have much impact on both his personal and professional life.


In this adaptation of an historical play by Pope John Paul II, painter Albert Chmielowski decides to devote his life to helping the homeless.


An idealistic scientist is encouraged by his wife to use his good looks to get ahead, but his new job carries with it temptations and traps.


Drama starring Karen Black, Betsy Blair and Dennis Christopher


Young Poland period in Kraków before WWI. Young doctor Edward comes back from Paris and meets his friends belonging to artistic bohema.

A well-regarded engineer in a big enterprise is hounded by trumped up attacks on his integrity when he delves too deeply into how bonuses are handled by the management. He gets into an argument with the guard, is arrested and subsequently fired. An old friend, a journalist, tries to sort things out but the victim's stubbornness and past problems with his wife lead to lossess by both.


The film deals with the a clandestine Olympiade held in a German POW camp during WW II, housing many Poles, but also French and Brits. A spit and a Polish German lieutenant is added to the staff of a prison camp. He sees a Pole, the acknowledged leader of the Polish prisoners, against whom he had competed during the Berlin Olympics in 1936. He asks the Pole to train with him but is refused; the Pole points out out that he is a prisoner and nothing more. But that plants the seed and the Pole proposes and Olympics 40 to be held among the prisoners. They ingeniously make a flag and medals, set up a number of races; a croaching hop race is unwittingly organized by a German prison guard who uses it as a torture. The German lieutenant knows that something is going on but cannot find out. Finally the Germans realize the idea and the Polish chief is sent to concentration camp but the others disobey the orders.


After leaving prison, Tolek plans to get revenge on his former girlfriend.


A boy escapes from a reformatory, but comes again into conflict with the law. During a robbery he hits a woman with a bottle on the head. He is convinced he killed her and because of his past thinks that nothing matters anymore. Only when he finds out that the victim did not die, he reveals the truth about what happened.


Polish drama from 1970 directed by Bohdan Poreba.
