Kurt Jaggberg

Walter Harrer, an engineer, is on the night shift and returns home in the morning to find his wife lying unsconscious in the garden. She is sent to hospital were a loss of memory is observed. Dr. Bogner, a young psychiatrist, is interested in the case and tries to help Mercedes. He talks to her husband, her former lover and her friends to see if he can get some clue as to why she can't remember who she is. She confesses that she killed Lona Logan, her rival. But Dr. Bogner isn't sure that she's telling the truth. Did she really do it or is it pure fantasy?

A neo-Nazi organization is recruiting in the 1980s, and two youths of high-school age join for similar reasons, despite class differences. Thomas is the son of a self-made industrialist father and a scolding social-climbing mother. He attends private school and has a brother who's an accomplished musician, but neither can satisfy mom's constant demands for school and social success. She belittles them, and there's incessant bickering at their table. Charly, a dropout, is the son of an abusive, alcoholic laborer. In the youth group, each finds order, respect, camaraderie, and adults who seem to value them. Where do domestic abuse and sanctioned political violence end?


Die Ausgesperrten revolves around an unlikely group of 4 youths in Vienna who band together, each for different reasons, to mug people. Two are fraternal twins, the third a blue-collar worker, the fourth the privileged daughter of wealthy parents who "needs a little dirt in her life". The story provides penetrating insights into the Austria of the 50s, in which some enjoyed the benefits of the "Economic Miracle", while others were shut out. It repeatedly references Austria's Nazi past and the numerous ways in which it influences the present despite the conspiracy of silence which surrounds it.


A misunderstood youth is incorrectly placed in a mental hospital.


An adaptation of a novel by Joseph Roth.


Sir Gotz von Berlichingen, a knight who fights for God and his Emperor, is the bitter enemy of the Bishop of Bamberg, who has managed to persuade Gotz's old friend Adalbert of Weislingen to fight for him. He allows Adalbert to kidnap him and bring him to his castle, where he tries to convince his old friend to come over from the "dark side". Complications ensue.


Die merkwürdige Lebensgeschichte des Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck is a German television series.


An American lawyer on vacation in Europe is asked by a book publisher to stop by the Austrian town of Salzburg to see a photographer who's taking pictures for a book on picturesque Austrian lakes. Upon his arrival he senses that something is wrong when the photographer seems to have vanished, leaving a near panic-stricken wife and a sinister, secretive brother. Before he knows it, the lawyer finds himself mixed up with spies, assassins, and the hunt for a list made up by the Nazis during World War II of people who collaborated with them.


Jimmy Bondi and his miracle beetle Dudu are on their way to Portugal by sea. In the Algarve, they are witness to a dispute in which ex-inmate Plato and the attractive Tamara have to do with Marchese de la Sotta and his henchmen.


Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk is an Austrian television series. Schwejk is a bumbling fool (he claims to have been discharged from the army on the grounds of being a certified idiot) but manages to outwit his superiors and his arch nemesis, the secret policeman "Bretschneider" with hilarious results. Set during the first world war, it follow Schwejks adventures as a recruit in the Austro-Hungarian army.


Part Seven in Jerry Cotton Series. The FBI agent tackles an organisation of assassins who kill to order.


Mobsters conspire to loot another criminal's treasure secured in an enormous booby-trapped vault.


A masked killer is stalking and killing Londoners outside a nightclub.


Oberinspektor Marek is an Austrian television series.


Strange fortune hunters are behind a girl's murder in this Edgar Wallace tale.


Oberst Alfred Redl heads the military intelligence department of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Frequent letters from the Russian Empire, however, make him suspect of sharing his knowledge with unauthorized authorities.


lbin Skoda plays Hitler, who wanders in and out of delirium as his Third Reich crumbles. He is surrounded by reams of existential dialogue from his generals and associates, courtesy of screenwriter Erich Maria Remarque, who based his script on Judge Michael A. Musmanno's book Ten Days to Die. Oscar Werner costars as a fictional "good" Nazi officer who acts as the film's voice of reason.


When the body of a postman is found on Lake Neusiedl, the investigation shows that it is probably a robbery, and several of the villagers fall into the circle of suspects: Five young men now need an alibi. Walter was with Elisabeth on the night of the murder, but cannot rely on her support. She is not only the sister of Stephan, who is also suspected, but also the fiancée of the gendarme who is leading the investigation into the case.
