Lan Yun

A murderer, with the help of Chinese vampires, does battle with the ghost of a dead gambling lord's wife and the gambling lord's living brother. A cut n paste movie that uses footage from The Stunning Gambling (Taiwan) mixed with new footage.


Psycho-thriller from Taiwan.

A Taiwanese production that was directed by Lee Tso-Nam and starring Chen Kuan-tai and Don Wong Tao.

One criminal gang gets its hands on a stolen 'national treasure', and another gang steals it from then...One gang needs a martial arts expert to get the titular valuable back for them, but he won't do it so they kidnap his brother to coerce him to help.


Kung Fu combined with acupuncture is used with great effect to defeat Japanese invaders in an Eastern Town in China.

The Righteous Club of Chinese martial artists meet to drive out the evil Japanese invaders but first they must overcome their own personal differences.

Kon Loong, a rickshaw boy, learns kung-fu from master Auyang Tin-Kin, for three years of practice. Kon Loong is recognized as the best among all the students. One day, when the master is out for a journey, another fighting association sends a challenge to the school, and Kon Loong accepts it. He goes with four other brothers, but they are badly defeated by their opponents, who hired the help of a Japanese karate fighter. When the master returns, he will have to save the school's honour, in a duel against the two other schools.


Tsu Hong Wu is a highly fictionalized fantasy retelling of the early years of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life that was obviously geared toward younger audiences. The tale actually begins in Heaven, where the various gods are busy paving the way for a new emperor. The very basic facts of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life are ostensibly correct, but it takes a rather unexpected turn into traditional giant monster territory, with a Taoist priest summoning a gigantic red-haired ogre (amusingly referred to as ‘superman’ in the subtitles) to destroy our heroes, who are in turn rescued when a golden dragon (the animal manifestation of one of the deities from earlier in the film) rises from the ocean to do battle with said ogre