Lana Gojak

The Fall. Two school kids on the bridge are about to admit something very important. On the same day, the avalanche of events unfolded between men, by no means are randomly directed to each other. It will result in one stopping of the elevator, one wheelchair, one night tram, one suicide thread, PTSP, wild sex, difference between the years, long silence and driving in the unknown, standing in the rain, a brutal confession, a video from the past, the deception of the deaf refugee, the traces of the Second World War and a gentle kiss.


The main focus of the story is a young girl, Maša Artuković, allegedly possessed by Satan, whose deteriorating state results in the arrival of Viktor Supilo, a priest who is to conduct the rite of exorcism upon her. The ritual is to be performed in the presence of Maša's sister Vera, a known psychiatrist Sofija and an unannounced crew of TV reporters that want to expose exorcism as a controversial and dangerous ritual that has no place in the modern Catholic Church.


Nina Brlek is a kind, intelligent, naive young woman. She grows up in Zagreb with her parents Vlado and Mira and her brother Davor. Brlek has excellent grades and perfect curriculum, but fails to find a good job because of her looks. She tries to get a job at H-Moda, a fashion company directed by Victor Glowatzky, who plans to retire, and pass his business to his son, David. This news is bad for David's nemesis Petar Vidic, who is the main editor of H-Moda's magazine Helena and his lover Monika. He is also Barbara Vidic's brother, David's fiance. Barbara hires her recently divorced friend, Patricija Vuckovic, who is pretty but not intelligent enough for the job of David's secretary. Barbara wants Patricija keeps an eye on David, who is a famous bachelor and womanizer. Nina gains the job of David's confidant secretary.
