Lanny Meyers

Chronicles the seemingly impossible task of attending two important family obligations taking place 48 hours apart.

A series of shared moments between father and daughter.


A random act of kindness leads to a real New York miracle!

Vashti, the Queen of Persia, loses her crown when she refuses to appear at a drunken council meeting wearing only her crown and nothing else. Her act of feminist resistance is echoed through the ages, culminating with the #MeToo movement of 2018.

As Archie Foley, a sound effects editor, lays dying in the hospital, his life is replayed in his ears.

Puts a new slant on an old favorite fairy tale, bringing it up-to-date to explain such new age pop-psych phenomena as passive/aggressive behavior, co-dependency, compulsiveness and enabling. It even brings a new insight on the Prince's immediate passion for the sleeping Princess!!
