Larry Lansburgh

Haunted by a mysterious super-pilot, a young glider pilot first flees, then confronts his challenger. Nominated for an Academy Award.


A girl goes on vacation to the mountains where she finds a wild horse named Hacksaw. With a little help, she captures the stud and it doesn't take long until the man who helped her starts wagon racing, since Hacksaw refuses to have any man or woman on his back.


A handsome thoroughbred yearling accidentally escapes from a cross-country van in the desert, and is found and loved by a young Mexican boy. He hides the horse from searchers, but eventually mends his ways and tries to return the animal. However, two hoodlums steal the horse. The boy leads a sheriff to the rescue, and receives an apt reward.


Barred from racing for breaking stride, a trotting horse finds a new career as a police officer's mount in Boston.


A palimino cow pony, through a series of owners and adventures becomes a champion mount for one of the US equestrian team.


Oscar winning short film from 1957


"The Best Doggoned Dog in the World" is an episode of Disneyland which aired on November 20, 1957. It was directed by Robert Stevenson and Larry Lansburgh. This episode provides a preview of Old Yeller, and also features Arizona Sheepdog.


This featurette demonstrates how trained dogs are instrumental in helping round up an outlaw Brahma bull which has been plaguing a ranchers pure-bred Hereford cattle.


A little boy runs away with a star jumping horse after the horse is abused.


While working in Mexico, model Bette Ford---yes, that one---and her girl friends attend a bull fight. They also visit a matador's ranch, where Ford braves the charges of a week-old bull...uh...calf. That convinces her she should become a bull fighter, and she travels throughout Mexico, taking formal training and fighting bulls on ranches and at small fairs. Basically, a travelogue with a story featuring a pretty model.


It is the story of how a scrawny young colt grows up to be a highly-prized polo pony, and the cast includes Texan Cecil Smith who, for many years, was the highest rated Polo Player in the world. The story begins on the stormy night the colt was born on a horse farm in Kentucky, seven months after the farm's intended crop of yearlings. He is far behind the other colts and is regarded as a misfit. The other colts are sold off into the racing world, but the under-age and scrawny Stormy (real name Woodie D)is sent off to work on a California ranch. There, he is spotted for the thoroughbred he is and trained as a Polo pony, and comes through with flying colors.


A hunter tracks a sheep-killing cougar.
