Lars Becker

Fighting crime in times of climate change. Hamburg in a state of emergency. A hurricane with wind force 12 is racing towards the city. A prisoner's van collides with an animal transporter. The murderer Axel Krakoff escapes, but so do two monkeys. Before curfew takes effect, insurance scammer Bonnie tries to make a few quick bucks and two rappers start a drug delivery service by drone. In order to have enough dope, they rob ex-boxer Mickey Mommsen. Too bad Mickey is a neighbourhood big shot who you don't mess with. A lot to do for Erichsen and his colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Service and actually nothing special – were it not for the threat of a storm of the century. The best crime fiction entertainment with wry humour, bizarre characters and an outstanding Erichsen.

Seeking the truth in a human grey area. Lawyer Annabelle Martinelli has specialized in sexual offences and represents victims of domestic violence. Shoe salesperson Doreen Markowitz seeks her support after pressing charges against her husband Leon for assault and sexual violence. The opposing lawyer is Annabelle's ex-boss John Quante, a cunning and unscrupulous divorce lawyer. Annabelle is convinced that her client has been systematically intimidated, beaten and forced to have sex. But the evidence is thin. One of several cases she has to deal with which put her professional distance to the test.

Annabelle Martinelli, successful lawyer at the renowned Berlin law firm Quante & Ackermann, specializes in sexual criminal law.

Armin Rohde experienced as a "good cop" Fredo Schulz a controversial Special Investigation operation in the drug depot Berlin-Neukölln. A covert investigator was shot and Schulz, the widowed police officer, widower and ex-alcoholic at the end of his career, is charged with the resolution of the tricky case. Together with his partner, Chief Inspector Milan Filipovic, he manages to win the young dealer Dakota as an informant. But soon the two investigators will not let go of the feeling that they have a leak in their own ranks.


After several strokes of fate ends a rage eruption of the otherwise so quiet power engineering technician Felix Grünler with a criminal complaint for assault. A grateful affair for his sister-in-law Karin, who forges an intrigue to gain the inheritance of her mother-in-law. She succeeds in having Felix admitted to psychiatry as incompetent. He is determined not to get into therapy. For doctors, this confirms the picture of the labile patient. But in the other patients Felix gives his consistent anti-attitude in the long run benevolent recognition.


Ali misses the lavish party nights in Hamburg's Kiez: Ms. Melanie, Baby Bobby and the family's tile company have been his everyday life since he became a father. How can he make it clear to the young mother that there is still life next to the baby? Melanie can be persuaded to a wellness weekend with the friends, but only if Ali takes his father's role seriously.


Freddy Kowalski and Emile Ramzy are paramedics in Hamburg and race night after night through the city, regardless of congested intersections, red lights and oncoming traffic. They are real life savers. One day they witness a murder and decide to go to the bottom of the thing itself. They come across an explosive corruption scandal that brings them in danger. Without knowing it, they hold the most important keys to investigate the crime itself in their hands.


Carolin and Niklas have a happy marriage and enjoy the suburban idyll. However, with the intimate harmony, it is over when Carolin's exile is suddenly at the door. Ex-Knacki Timo demands from Carolin Schweigegeld. The rogue couple had once committed numerous robberies. Niklas has no idea of ​​the past life of his wife. However, when a private investigator opens his eyes to him, he reacts unexpectedly understanding.


In einem kleinen Dorf an der Küste, wo sich Robbe und Hering Gute Nacht sagen, geht alles seinen friesischen Gang: Der Himmel hängt tief, die Träume hoch, und das Leben schippert irgendwo dazwischen. Bis die örtliche Tippgemeinschaft den 50 Millionen-Jackpot im Lotto knackt. Genug Geld für alle, sollte man meinen. Doch weit gefehlt! Es beginnt das große Hauen und Stechen um die Beute: zwischen der alleinerziehenden und trickreichen Schichtarbeiterin Mirabel, dem Fischfabrikanten Klaas Jonkers, dem Bademeister und der Surflegende Menno, Mennos Freundin Gloria, dem Busfahrer Bruno, Mirabels Brüdern Jimmy und Piet, dem Bürgermeister Zotebier und dem Lottoladen-Chef Arie Tammen. Raffiniert weiß die kluge Mirabel ihre Gewinnteilhaber zu überlisten und sich ihr Stück vom Glück zu sichern. Doch auch ihre Brüder verschaffen sich, ebenso planlos wie effektiv, ihren Platz an der Sonne – in einem friesisch-herben Showdown.


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Dort, wo unsere Geschichte spielt, wissen nur die Hühner, was Stress bedeutet. Ansonsten geht es auf dem Lande ruhig zu, und so ist es kein Wunder, dass die jährliche “Hengst-Auktion” den Höhepunkt des kulturellen Lebens bildet – eine Veranstaltung, bei der die meistbietenden Damen ein Rendezvous mit den ansehnlichsten Jungbauern ersteigern können.


Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF 2 in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland. The first episode was broadcast on November 29, 1970. The opening sequence for the series has remained the same throughout the decades, which remains highly unusual for any such long-running TV series up to date. Each of the regional TV channels which together form ARD, plus ORF and SF, produces its own episodes, starring its own police inspector, some of which, like the discontinued Schimanski, have become cultural icons. The show appears on DasErste and ORF 2 on Sundays at 8:15 p.m. and currently about 30 episodes are made per year. As of March 2013, 865 episodes in total have been produced. Tatort is currently being broadcast in the United States on the MHz Worldview channel under the name Scene of the Crime.


At the airport, customs provide a so-called mule with over a kilo of cocaine in her body. When the chief inspectors Fredo and Milan want to bring the Colombian to the police station, Milan is shot at a rest stop ... - The leading role of the chief inspector Fredo Schulz in the crime series is played by the multi-award-winning actor Armin Rohde.
